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Alan came back almost immediately after Dave left.

You were curled up under your covers, staring out your window, when you felt your bed shift under a new weight and a hand touch your bare shoulder.

"You could just leave." You were fed up and tired, exhausted from everything that happened.

Alan moved closer to you, slowly massaging your shoulder, "I could. But as much as I don't want to hurt you, I want to be with you."

He stayed beside you silently for a while, resting his hand on you, trying to comfort you. It was working and you felt a little better with Alan around.

Despite his cold presence, it was warming to be near him.

"I...I could, could I come back tomorrow night?"

You were surprised by what he said. He was asking you if he could come back to see you, to do what Dave had done only moments ago. Why?

You turned around to face him. You were laying down still, but you realized Alan was sitting up and leaning against the headboard, staring down at you.

What were you suppose to say? In the end you didn't answer him. He took your silence as one and realized that sure, he didn't need your permission, but you were different for him. He felt something for you.

Though it didn't matter if you said yes or no. He was going to come back either way.

Before you could say anything, Alan disappeared in shadows and left you alone, but not before returning your clothes on you. You smiled a little to yourself and tried to get some sleep.

The next day, everything went by normally. No one at work knew what happened last night and you weren't about to share it with anyone.

When it was time to leave, you tried to pack up your things rather quickly to get home. You were dreading the walk home and even the moment when you would get home. Alan could show up whenever he wanted.

Did you want to see him? You didn't know.

As you walked down the street, you heard an audible sniff behind you and turned around, seeing no one. When you turned back, someone was in front of you.

Just your luck; it was someone else entirely.

He had blonde hair, styled in a way you've never seen before. He wore a goofy grin, showing off the small fangs he had. Even his outfit was bizarre.

He took a step closer to you and you moved back, "Mmm, you're younger than I thought." The blonde slowly licked his lips, his eyes never meeting yours as they traveled down you.

You gave him a look, not sure what he was talking about. Before he could do anything, he was ripped away from you and thrown against the wall, being lifted up by his throat.

"Martin...I warned you."

It was Alan.

Martin was clutching at his wrist, staring down at Alan with a snarl, "Usually you never go through with your threats."

"I don't want you around her." Alan tightened his grip on Martin's neck, "Or I'll make the other half of that threat a reality."

Martin turned his gaze to you, "You're lucky your lover man is here to keep you safe." Before he turned into shadows and disappeared.

Alan stood where he was for a bit before he turned to face you, "Can I walk home with you?"

You were thankful he saved you from who you guessed was his friend. If they were even that, based on their exchange of words.

"Yeah, you can." You didn't know what was drawing you to him, but you were starting to see Alan in a different light.

Alan smiled subtly and started walking with you. It wasn't long before you made it to your place and walked inside with him.

He was following close behind you the entire way to your apartment. You unlocked the door and walked him inside before locking it back up. Although you realize it was useless now, since they could get in.

You were nervous having him in your apartment, "I'm going to just..stay out here."

He breathed a laughed and nodded.

You quickly changed and walked back out, seeing Alan already making himself at home and laying on your bed. It looked like he changed too, at least out of the leather jacket and other articles of clothing.

He watched you walk around to your side of the bed and get into bed with him.

Immediately he spoke, "I'm sorry about yesterday. It was all my fault, trying to get you first before Dave. None of that would have happened if I just controlled myself."

You didn't know what to say so you didn't say anything.

He went on, "I like you, physically but...I want to know you, I want to be with you. I want..all of you."

You finally looked at him, still staying silent.

He didn't wait for you to say anything and leaned into you, kissing you softly. It was much more gentle than you imagined. After he was assured you were okay with his kiss, he raised his hand to caress your face and lean more into you.

He pulled away and looked at you, inching closer so he could feel your warmth, "do you want to be with me?"

You could feel his hand go and touch your thigh and you hesitantly grabbed his hand to pull it away, "Not tonight."

Alan smiled softly, "Does that mean you'll want me another night?"

His smile was contagious and you gave him one back. You laid down and he followed you, wrapping his arms around you and resting his face close to yours. You gave him a light kiss on his nose, "We'll see..."

He smiled bigger and closed his eyes, savoring the little kiss you gave him. He would wait for you no matter how long it would be. He was satisfied having you in his arms in the moment. You felt the same way and you soon found yourself falling asleep in his arms.

Before you fell asleep completely, you brought up, "Are you going to bite me at all?"

He could sense you were a little scared of his answer, so he made sure to reassure his own way of course, "We'll see." He mocked you and when you opened your eyes, you saw his smile. You lightly hit his arm for messing with you and got comfortable again next to him, this time falling into deep sleep in Alan's arms.

Not Tonight 🌹Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora