Chapter 9 - The untold secret

Start from the beginning

The doorbell echoed through the empty house and Finley frowned before standing up. She shoved her pencil through her hair before moving into the foyer. She wasn't expecting anyone and for a second she wondered if Kade was back. She hesitated for only a second before pulling the door open. She frowned at the empty space in front of her. Surely she hadn't imagined the doorbell?

She took a step outside and glanced around the empty front yard before shrugging and turning back around. It was only then, did she see the letter on the ground in front of her. She leant down, picking it up and turning it over in her hands. Her name was elegantly sprawled across the front. Her interest was peaked as she headed back inside slowly ripping the top of the envelope. A folded up piece of paper was inside and as she scanned the note her eyes widened and a shiver passed over her body.

Dear Finley,
I was pleasantly surprised to see you last night at my party. I hadn't expected to see you so soon. I must say, you looked rather magnificent in that silver blue dress. Although, your attendance caused quite a bother for me. I do not appreciate it when unwanted guests come to my parties. It's come to my attention that you have been seeking me out. I'm only going to say this once: Stop looking! This is not a path you want to continue down. I will not hesitate to kill you as I did with your brother. I do hope our paths don't cross again.
Arlin Shade.

Finley's whole body froze as she read the note. The idea that Arlin had seen her and now knew where she lived terrified her. Why hadn't she noticed someone watching her? Her heart began to quicken as the realization set in. She had now put Tate, Harley, Kade and herself in danger. She tossed the note aside and tried to think of anyone at the party who seemed suspicious. But they were all criminals so any one of them could have been Arlin and she wouldn't have known. She swore under her breath before picking the note up and looking for any sign of where it might have come from. But it was an ordinary letter with no return address written on it.

She sighed in frustration and began pacing across the room. What was she supposed to do now? The warning was clear but her anger was more intense. But could she really risk Tate and Harley getting hurt. If Arlin knew where she lived he could come and go as he pleased. And that was a scary thought.

Suddenly a loud crash echoed through the silent house. Finley jumped before flinging around facing the direction that the crash came from. Her heart began to thump in her chest. Someone had just burst through the front door. She could hear heavy footsteps stomping against the floor as the stranger moved through the house. Tate and Harley weren't going to be back until the afternoon and Kade was long gone. Despite the fear that was beginning to creep its way inside of her, Finley launched into action. She darted around the kitchen bench and pulled one of the knives free gripping it in her sweaty hand. She took a deep breath composing herself before moving forward.

The floor creaked as she moved and she did her best to keep quiet. She was unconsciously holding her breath out of fear that she would be heard. She squeezed the knife grip so tightly that her knuckles were turning white. But she had controlled her emotions enough to block the fear out and move forward. She could hear the intruder as they trudged through the house, making no effort to quiet their footsteps. Finley couldn't keep her mind from wandering to the possibility that it was Arlin in the house. She had just received his letter and not a second later had the intruder entered the house. It couldn't be a coincidence.

She moved quietly through the hallway towards the foyer, her heart hammering with anticipation. The adrenaline was pumping through her veins and she was in hunting mode. She'd killed many monsters before but the lead up was always the most exciting. She exhaled trying to relax herself as she continued forward. The front door was closed but the slight mark on the wall indicated where it had smashed into it. She kept moving forward closer and closer to the front door.

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