Girl Confession tag

7 1 3

Hi I was Tagged by Supermaxywaxy
I finally decided to actually do one

1) Do you sleep in a Bra
1) Yes

2) Are you short
2) No

3) Do you like Drama
3) The stupid drama between friends? No. Theatre? Yes

4) What color is your bra
4) White

5) Do you consider yourself fat
5) Nope

6) What color are your panties
6) White

7) Have you ever had sex
7) No

8) Have you ever Cheated
8) No

9) Would you cheat
9) No

10) How many boyfriends have you had

There you go Wonderland!
I don't think I'm gonna tag anyone.
But if someone wants to do this go ahead feel free!

Tags and stuffOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora