⇨ The Beginning(s?): ½

Start from the beginning

At the far left corner of the room, James sat in the chair in front of his own desk; his spine resting against the back of the seat and allowing it to become a slight loungechair. The dark haired male had his hands behind his head and his elbows jutting out to the sides carelessly. A purple twitch hoodie painted his torso and regular dark blue jeans clothed his legs. A regular look the man wore, Seamus had long since noted in his head before blinking and trailing his gaze along the walls again until his line of sight targeted Kootra, who was to his left in the nearest left corner of the living room. The brunette appeared just as he always did; the red, slightly wornout cap topped his short brown hair and a blue shirt masked his torso, along with some blue jeans covering his scrawny legs. Seeing nothing new in the past two people he'd observed, Seamus deemed it all right to cut the studying of his boss short and went to look at someone else who in which he was friends with. His eyes flicked his gaze around the room once again, before the dilated pupils stopped sharply on the tannest person involved with the Creatures. The Latino was sitting next to Dan in a randomly placed chair; the furniture's lower legs being the only things touching the floor as Eddie - just as a kid would - leant back in his standard chair and brought his feet off of the ground with adept balance. However, even though the foreign male seemed to be expertly sporting this action, Seamus wished in the back of his mind that the other would fall and land on his ass. 'Hell, if it happens, it's because he's doing that and by his own will, too,' The Irishman thought slightly acerbically in his mind as his eyes were quickly sheathed before they were enabled to look at the Latino's wardobe. He was sporting a usual "SlyFoxHound"-ish outfit; a purple shirt with the green slime from Minecraft decorating the front of it and a pair of black skinny jeans draped his body, and rather stylish hightops were worn on his feet. There was a pikachu tassle hat strewn from his neck - even though it didn't match at all, and his black hair was spiked up, as usual.

'Nothing out of the ordinary there, figures though; he's wearing his style.' Seamus noted mentally before looking at the last person who took up space in the room and breathed the same air as the cynical male had. Dan came into view after the blonde adjusted where his gaze lay, and he was also appearing just as he always did; a yellow batman symbol was splattered on his pitchblack t-shirt, and regular gray sweats were worn over his legs. 'Regular, regular, regular.' Seamus couldn't help but think again, and so the blonde soon just severed his glance at Dan in half to take sudden interest in the floor. There was nothing wrong with seeing the usual around here, it was just a little- what's the word? Dis-

"All right, well?" An insipid voice fell from lips across the room, therefore breaking Seamus out of the slight trance he'd nonchalantly entered. The Irishman boredly casted a glance across the room, already figuring who'd said that, and just huffed a bit after getting flashed the bird from James.

"That was necessary, sure," Seamus grumbled with disatisfaction before getting shushed by someone else in the room. Pinpointing the direction in which it came from without tearing his grudging gaze away from James' dark with cockiness eyes, the blonde concluded that it was Eddie who'd told him to stop talking. "Whoa, what! What'd I do??" He inquired with a subtle shock in his voice as he blinked at James and threw a glance at Sly, who seemed to be holding back a giggle.

"Just, shhhh, okay?" The Latino asked in a soft giggle, before looking at Kootra, who was now on Google via his center computer monitor.

"Umm, okay, so uh," Jordan murmured distractedly into his hand as it formed a fist and gently pressed against his lips. "Does anyone need to upload anything right now?" The brunette asked as his ring shimmered in the desk light he flicked on with his other hand. Everyone said their collective murmurs and mumbles that was deciphered to be no's from everyone, and eventually Kootra turned around in his swivel chair. "Well, then I guess we're good then? Leave when you want I suppose; it doesn't really matter."

With that dismissal, most got up to leave; even Jordan exited alongside Dan and James, where James just went upstairs when he got that far. Seamus and Eddie were the only ones in the living room now, and the Irishman was also about to turn on his heels and leave as well, when his name was called happily.

"Seamus, hey Seamus," Eddie sang out happily as he moved his body weight to make the chair wobble on the two legs that were still planted on the floor beneath him. He looked like a little kid, with his legs dangling and kicking back and forth as he kept nearly falling due to the leaning with his chair. Blinking at the Latino, the blonde was skeptical on answering; can't he just leave...? It was like Eddie was never doused with the aggravation all of the Creatures got after working all day on boring, unsaid things- and that was amazing.

"Um, yes?" Seamus hesitated on saying, though he said it anyway; the verbal answer being the result of his overlooking regarding his gut's wisdom.

"Can I talk to you?"

"You already are?"

"Ugh, c'mon Seamus! You know what I meant."

"Nah, not really," This earned a scoff to resound on the other side of the room.

"Goddamnit, Seamus," Eddie whined slightly before beginning to drum his fingers against his jeans. "Anyways, well, is it all right if I spoke to you for a moment?"

"I guess?" Seamus murmured and moved to lean against the wall to his right, but as he watched Eddie's lips move to form his next words, another's voice interjected and broke the air harshly.

"Okay, so, I've wanted to talk to you about this for a while now, and-"

"SEAMUS," A rough voice called down from the top of the stairs located near the kitchen behind him. "Come here!" This caused the called blonde to groan with annoyed vibes oozing from the sound of subdue. After hearing himself being paiged, Seamus slowly looked over to Eddie to see his head bowed and his legs still; they weren't kicking the air anymore yet they still dangled. The Latino's attitude seemingly changed very dramatically, and it was really odd to not see the male bouncing off the walls and or giggling like a maniac. The Irishman wasn't sure what to do, what, with the person upstairs calling for him and then his friend becoming so sullen right in front of him, so he went with the gentle and subtle approach.

"Um... James is calling me, Eddie- are you all right over there?" Seamus proposed, his voice prodding the air sluggishly as his bored tone of voice sliced the air roughly. Okay, so that wasn't very gentle. Damnit.

"...I'm fine, dude," Eddie was quick to respond with, "just- go to James," As he spoke, he spoke with his head remaining bowed; the tassle hat's pikachu face being the only visage the flaxen haired male could gaze upon. The suspicious feeling the Latino was exuding with his words and sudden change in his actions was unsettling, though Seamus had to go see what James wanted. With extreme difficulty, he hummed to himself whilst he turned away and began trotting to the stairs; the time it took to get there in his hurried walk not being long at all.

Hesitantly, the blonde stayed at the foot of the staircase. "What do you want, James?!" He asked in a shout up the vertically stacked steps, and soon got a yell in answer.

"Just get up here, damn!"

Hearing this made Seamus feel ill; more ill than he had already been, but he did anyways. With a final glance at Eddie, who was now chipping at his phone case sadly, the blonde growled slightly before he trudged up the steps; what the fuck did this guy want that was so damn important?? Reaching the top of the stairs in a couple of laggard seconds, he turned the corner and went down the hall; an annoyed expression painting his facial features as he made it to James' room.

Little did he know his crush was waiting to develop just as he set foot in the sizeable room.

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Sorry for suckyness and slow updates.

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