♠ A Quick Introduction

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Hello, all!

Welcome to the fourth major story to be started on this account! Thanks for clicking on it, because of curiosity or whatever! I really appreciate it, eheheh. <3

This story will be centered around Seamus, and will involve two or three ships affiliated with the sarcasm master. The book entirely is only for entertainment, and is fake. Though, the feels you'll get won't be surreal! Haha. If you've read and kept up with my other and most popular book, Stop Hiding From Yourself, or, SHFY for short, you know what I can do writing-wise.

I can make you cry, but let me try, first. That rhymed. Anyways.

I hope this story is worth reading, because I have good plans for this story. Good plans. Really, though. Thanks for reading this so far; I like writing introductions for every story I start because it allows me to tell some quick notes and schtuffs. This story, among my other ones might have slow updates, for reasons to either add a deliberate suspense, or maybe it's just because it'll take me a second to produce a steady stream of chapters. Most of the time it is the second reason. I do have school, and work and all that good stuff.

Well, I guess I'll let you go and read more now... Yeah.


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