⇨ The Toxins Set In... Again.

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Warning: Major sucky-ness ahead.

It started out like a usual, mundane day at the offices in which he was newly accustomed to. There was nothing that was odd or misplaced about what he could observe from his enclosed office - whose door was open - and from his chair, whilst he spun around in the comfy desk seat that had wheels on it to include mobile properties.

Coming up with an inference with what results that his keen hearing could supply as he tried to listen intently to piece together what the others - who inhabited the office where in which he was affiliated - were doing, the slacking and rather nosy male concluded that everyone was working, more or less, just as he should be at that moment. All he could hear and listen to willingly were the fitful sounds of fingers hitting the letters strewn across a keyboard; where as when one person who was commiting the uneven patterns and rhythms with the keys along their assigned typing-rectangle would stop, another person would file in immediately with their own jingle of keys being pressed down with minimal weight being brought on by their doing. The bursty yet anticipated clicking noises were the only sounds clanking around within the blonde's mind.

And the nuisance, continuous streams of notes were getting quite suffocating, when you were to stop and just listen to their least unexpected appearances as the sound waves bounced and lingered in the hall outside your very door; as if the buzzes were mocking you from a distance.

As he let time idle away, the blonde leant back in his adjustable chair and used his planted feet that rested against his desk rug to kick his seat back an inch or so; the action allowing his now-previous position to roll nonchalantly across his floor to allow himself be enabled to gaze out of his office door. Boredom was quick to plaster itself into his searing gaze as he peered out of his agape doorway; his newly set line of sight only enabling him to see another open door from across the hall, as he both rested and focused his vision on the familiar shape of vacant space on the opposite side of the corridor, where his and his co-workers' offices were located along.

A blank stare was held between the door that hugged the wall because of its open state and the two glacial orbs that gazed at the rectangular piece of wood with no amusement whatsoever. The sustained glance was held for a few more registering seconds, as the lazy worker continued to look into and at what he could that was inside the opposite office with such a grudgingly-shrewd glint in his eyes, until he was able to dismiss the assaulting thoughts that ran through his head with no assorted order inclined with a simple turn of his head.

With a developing staleness did he study his own computer that was in its hibernation mode; his facial expression now having no resentful hues to it as he reeled his chair back to his desk with a barely willing grip that belonged to his right hand latched on the edge of the flat surface he sat in front of. Now sitting properly at his designated work area, it literally took a second, before he fell back into his noncompliance self; where his previous unwilling ways assailed him in that moment and caused him to slouch in his once straight posture with aggravation. He was feeling like he absolutely did not desire to work, nor did he harbor any of a 'good worker's qualities and attributes, at least not today he didn't.

An even more lackluster tinge swallowed his cerulean irises whole, as his hand reached up, and removed the beanie he wore to be able to rake his fingers through his medium-length hair; his hand's speed as it combed through his multi-coloured blonde hair being classified as sluggish. His exhaustion, annoyance, and stress seemed to surge through him, not just at that moment, no; the unpleasant feeling that made him not want to comply with any types of requirments and obligations actually began coursing through him ever since a day ago. He didn't know what the cause of the plaguing emotions was; all he knew was that-

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