-Eleven: The Bwest Of Fwends

Start from the beginning

Lin smiled. She never got annoyed at Helia's frequent dismissals and question-dodging, which was one of the things Helia liked best about her. She was satisfied just knowing she was right.

And Merlin, Lin knew she was right.


"No fireworks, explosions, maiming, duelling, plotting or  murdering?"

Remus watched Sirius' face as he read the sign that had been placed over the entrance the library out loud.

James mirrored his friend's shocked expression. "But how are we meant to have any fun?"

Sirius shook his head sadly. "What an absolute tragedy. Don't you agree, Prongs?"

"Oh, absolutely, Padfoot."

"It's cruelty."



"And we don't want to encourage that kind of behaviour, do we Padfoot?" James was getting the glimmer in his eye again.

"Certainly not" Sirius responded. Remus could see a plan forming in his mind.

"We'll be heroes really."


"It's for the good of the school."

"The good of the world."

"That settled, Moony?"

Remus didn't have time to shake his head before they grabbed him by the shoulders and turned him back toward the dormitory.

"It's all settled then."

"Right Oh!"

"How splendid, dear friend."

"Top notch!"

Remus didn't bother telling them that he was currently locked away in his mind palace, banging his head on every surface available.


"Nope. Nope. Nopety. Nope. Nope." Jade stared at James and Sirius, who were watching her hopefully.

"Is that a maybe?" James wheedled.

"Let me get this right, you want me to try and trick my friendHelia Blacksmith, into helping you two idiots with your stupid little plan, for fun?" 

James and Sirius shared a glance, clearly catching on to the overuse of italics. "Yes."

Jade glared. "I don't know you." she declared "I haven't met you. We never even spoke, understand? Now I am going to leave and have a shower and go to bed and when I wake up in the morning, all of this will have been a dream, do you understand me?"

Jade turned and walked away in the direction of Ravenclaw Tower.

"I think maybe she didn't like our idea too much." Sirius said after a moment.

James shrugged. "Some people have no taste."

Sirius grinned at him. "It's not over, is it?"

"She can still be convinced. And if not..."

"What?" Sirius turned around to see Lin approaching them, skin glowing in the warm rays of the sunset that spilled through the windows on that side of the castle.

"Hello," she said politely, as if she just couldn't physically skip the niceties. "How are you?"

"I'm good." Sirius grinned. "How's Maqy?" Sirius and the little orange pygmy puff got along surprisingly well.

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