chapter 4: a huge opportunity

Start from the beginning

Zack: what's the gift

Ray: do you want them to know

Tomika: I trust them

Louie: the gift is humans that can see ghosts

Freddy: wait are you guys ghosts

Louie, Miles and Ray: yeah we are

Freddy: did you know this about them Tomika

Tomika: I did yeah

Ray: why did they call you Tomika Frankie

Summer: why did he call you Frankie Tomika

Tomika/Frankie: ray, Louie, Miles can I talk to you outside for a sec

Louie,Miles and Ray: sure

Louie, Tomika, Miles and Ray then go outside to talk

Louie: Are you lying to them Frankie

Frankie/ Tomika: maybe

Miles: Frankie

Frankie/ Tomika: what I hate my name it's too girly

Ray: but it's not right to lie to them

Frankie/ Tomika: fine I'll tell them the truth

Louie: now

Frankie/ Tomika: fine

Louie, Tomika, Miles and Ray then go back into the classroom

Summer: is your name actually Tomika or Frankie

Frankie/ Tomika: ok my real name is Frankie but I hate it so I went by Tomika

Zack: you lied to us

Tomika: yeah sorry guys

Summer: it's fine Tomika

Frankie: Frankie Sum

Summer: right now i have to change my nickname do you

Louie: what about Frankini

Frankie: no Louie

Summer: why not

Frankie: fine

Summer: yay

Freddy: so what are you ghosts doing here

Frankie: yeah why are you guys here

Ray: there's a way for you to perform with school of rock Frankie

Frankie: oh right I forgot about that

Lawrence: what

Louie: I can possess Frankie

Summer: I object to this

Frankie: Sum its fine it would mean we could perform and Louie has possessed me before

Summer: really

Louie: yeah I have

Miles: they have a weird game they play

Zack: what game

Ray: it's called get out of me

Frankie: oh my god we haven't played that game in ages

Louie: we haven't

Just the Louie possesses Frankie and she moves weirdly trying to get Louie out of her and when she finally does she falls forward and Zack catches her and they look into each other's eyes, what broke their moment was Lawrence coughing


Lawrence: what woman 

Summer: you ruined the Zamika moment 

Zack and Frankie: Zamiwhat now 

Summer: well now we have to change it now that we know your names Frankie instead of Tomika 

Freddy: how about Frack (A/N: comment down below if you like this ship name)

Summer: Perfect Freddy thanks 

Freddy: your welcome Summer 

Frankie: I hate you Louie

Louie: you love me really Frankie

Frankie: don't be so sure about that Louie

Miles: Frankie has always had stage fright but when Louie possesses her she can perform on stage

Freddy: ok that's amazing

Frankie: yeah it is

Summer: I still don't like the idea of Louie possessing you

Frankie: Sum I'm fine with it

Summer: only if you are Frankie

Frankie: I am Summer

Freddy: ok so Frankie said your a prankster Louie

Louie: I am

Ray: Fouie's pranks made Louie a better ghost

Zack: Fouie

Frankie: you just had to say that Ray

Ray: what is easier than saying Frankie and Louie

Summer: wait so you and Louie have a ship name

Frankie: yeah we do

I look over at Zack and he seems sad and jealous I need to talk to him about that tomorrow

hi guys, I'm sorry I haven't updated much recently, I'm just really stressed out for school, \i will get around to updating my books, but updates will be slow so bare with me. 

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