Chapter 2: It Was You?

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(Second chapter! I just got my nails and feet done (despite my protests), which is why I couldn't update earlier. I'm glad the people who actually read my last chapter enjoyed it! Hope you like this one, too!)

The smell was what woke you first.

Bleach? You thought, confused. Your eyes fluttered open slowly, and you flinched from the light blazing above your head. A headache instantly pounded and throbbed in your brain, and you clenched your jaw tightly as pain exploded through your body. There was a stiff, slightly raised at the back, mattress underneath you, and what felt like a few needles sticking out of your left arm. A thick material kept both legs and right arm from moving. Assuming these were casts, you tried your best to look down, flinching as you moved your neck.

"Ouch!" You grumbled, then jumped, ignoring the pain, and looked to the left as someone jolted awake. It was the man who had crashed into your car. You locked eyes; E/C (eye color) meeting brown. He perched on the edge of the chair he had slept on.

"You okay?" He asked nervously, running a hand through his hair. It stuck up a bit as he did so, messing it up. You bit back a sly comment that formed on your lips.

"Yeah.." You breathed, fighting mightily to push away all thoughts of the migraine, "I.. think so.." Your words let out slowly, syrup-like in your struggle.

"What's wrong?" He seemed a bit worried, "You look.. in pain." Chewing his bottom lip, he ran his gaze up and down the length of your body. It wasn't sexual in any way, he just looked concerned.

"Headache." You told him, "And.. my legs.." You shut your eyes tightly as a large wave of pain hit you again. "Argh.." Your hands curled into fists.

"I'll be right back." The man spoke in an urgent tone, "Hold on." He stood quickly and bolted from the room, presumably to get a doctor. His footsteps echoed in your ears, making the migraine even worse. It left you downright miserable, unable to make a sound as you were scared it would only make it worse. You looked around the room, which you now knew was a hospital. Two bouquets of flowers, one full of fiery orange and red, the other different shades of lilac, sat next to a glass of water on a table to your right. On your left side stood a heart monitor and an I.V, right next to each other as if conjoined. The beeping was quite annoying.

Your head shot to the side (you winced miserably) as the door opened to reveal a friendly-looking doctor. A nametag on his chest was labled "Jason Thompson". (YES, GUYS! JASON IS BACK! WHO REMEMBERS HIM?) He looked at your face, which probably showed how much pain you were in, and drew a pill bottle from his pocket. He poured two of the, you thought of as painkillers, and set them on the stand near the water. He smiled sadly at you before looking at the man. (Who had crashed into you) They shared a nod and Mr. Thompson left, slowly shutting the door.

"Do you.." The man stuttered, making his way over to the bed, "Need h-help.. tak-taking those?" He ran a hand through his hair again.

"Yes, but.." You could only manage a whisper, so he leaned forward to hear you better, " Who are you..?" The question burned almost as much as your limbs. A look passed over the man's face. He hit his palm against his forehead, but made sure to keep it quiet.

"I'm Matthew. Matthew Patrick." He said, smiling. You nodded curtly.

"Pills. Water. Please." You rasped, suddenly very thirsty.

He quickly picked up the pills and water. You opened your mouth and he popped one pill in, putting the glass to your lips to drink. He repeated this with the second one. You smiled greatfuly at him. His cheeks turned pink.

"Question: Why are you.. in here..?" You asked. After all, he wasn't family.

"Oh.. more for the sake of my pride than anything else." He answered, "I felt bad. Only your sister came 'round. No sign of your parents." He set the water on the table, his cheeks pink again. "And I-I offered to watch you.."

"Watch me?" You repeated, confused. He sighed.

"The doctors needed someone to keep an eye on you. You know, if you wake up or something." He tapped his foot fast against the ground. He looked at you again, his eyes shining. Not with tears, but just a shimmer. They looked.. almost mezmorizing. Like a forest; mysterious. It attracts someone. You assumed he was dating someone. He seemed a determined guy. Whoever he happened to be with was lucky.

"Not even a boyfriend visited." His voice, almost as attractive as his eyes, yanked you from your thoughts. The comment seemed stange for the moment, and sent a rush of blood to your face.

"I don't.. have a boyfriend." You stammered, embarrased at the answer you provided. He looked surprised. Why, you didn't know.

"I figured you would." He muttered. Then, he smiled, "For once, I'm not the only single person in a room."

This took you off guard. He's single? You thought. His sharp jaw, perfect teeth, and all around great face almost said otherwise. He just seemed too.. handsome to be single.

Shaking your head in disbelief, you spoke up, "How long was I.. you know.. out..?" He sighed, counting on his fingers.

"Two and a half weeks." He answered. You gasped.

"How was I out for that lo-" You were cut off by the door opening sharply. Jason Thompson stood in the doorway. His brown hair and eyes darker than Matthew's.

"Why don't you let her rest, sir? You can visit your girlfriend later." He stretched his arm out toward the door as you and Matthew both blushed like you had turned into tomatoes.

"We're.. not.. a thing." He stuttered out, rising to his feet in a quick move.

"Well, sorry." He waved again for him to leave, in which he complied. Jason looked at you with a smirk as if saying, "You'll get him eventually." and left, sending a nurse in to make sure nothing bad happened.

You lay your head back against the soft pillow, letting sound leave and your eyelids close. A dull throb of pain was all you felt as you drifted off into a comfortable sleep, unprovoked by any events.

You would live.

(HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS CHAPTER! You are welcome for Jason, by the way. And for introducing MatPat so early. I don't have much to say this time, so.. HAVE A NICE DAY/ NIGHT!)

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