APPLE Chapter 3

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Narrator:Yuuki helped yume pick the reddish apples she needed
                to make the ruby pie.
Apple:Why do you need lots of reddish apples tomato?
Yume:I have a name you know! And i need them to make ruby
Apple:*ruby pie*since when did you like ruby pie?
Yume:When i was 4 years old!
Apple:*When she was 4 years old!*

                                  Yuuki/Apple's P.O.V
Wow! I can't believe she likes ruby pie until know!ever since she was a kid i introduced her to ruby pie including hime too...i told her ruby pie was made out reddish apples,so she collected reddish apples to make ruby pie?! Is that the only thing she remembered?!

Yume:Someone introduced me to ruby pie and me and hime have
           been making ruby pie ever since!
Apple:*really?!* Who's hime?*i need to play dum!*
Yume:She's my sister! She's 18 years old and she has a boyfriend
           i think that's what you call a close relationship with a boy.
Apple:Then i want to meet to her!
Yume:You sure?

Narrator:So yume and apple/yuuki went to yume's house to meet
                her sister hime.....They have arrived at yume's house

Yume:Here we are
Apple:*were here*
Yume:Onee-chan! Someone wants to see you!

Narrator:Hime went outside the house

Hime:*shocked*  Y-Yuuki?

Narrator:Yuuki trying to keep hime quiet

Hime:Ummm.....Who is this yume?
Yume:This is App-Hey what's your name again
Yume:Oh yeah.....He is yu-yu-yuuki.....did i pronounce that right?
Yuuki:yeah*i guess*
Hime:Yume why do you call yuuki apple?
Yume:Because,yu-yu-yuuki sounds hard to pronounce! When i
           saw the reddish apples i picked,thats when i got the idea
           to call him apple!
Yuuki:I called her tomato
Yume:Really!my name is easy to pronounce yours isn't!

                                       Hime's P.O.V
Did yume remember yuuki or their promise?Did she forget him?Wait!Yuuki is the prince!Why is he here?Isn't he betrothed to
princess ako!?He made a promise to my sister didn't he!why didn't he tell me when he arrived 6 years ago?

Hime:Hey let's make ruby pie!
Yume:Yeah we should!Apple do you want to join?
Yuuki:Yeah we should!
                                                                      To be continued.........

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