26.Books , clues and coordinates

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I couldn't be more excited to have actually found this clue.

Now I know that all of this has to mean something. I have a trail to follow, and I don't have to just randomly look for things that will only maybe lead me to my father.

I picked up the piece of paper. It had numbers on it.

"What?" I said aloud.

Now that the excitement of finding the clue was wearing off, I concentrated on the numbers.

They looked like coordinates. Everyone gathered around me, and I read the numbers out loud.

"52.3675°N, 4.8863°E."

"Coordinates," Sean said instantly.

"Yeah " I said.

"How do we know which place these coordinates are for?" Lucy asked.

"We have Google, duh!" Zac exclaimed, "What century do you live in, woman?"

"My bad." Lucy slowly moved away from Zac and crept behind me, to hide from this cruel world. Well, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit... I tend to do that these days. The effects of hanging out with a bunch of crazy people.

Zac brought up Google and searched the coordinates. We had the answer in a minute.

"Amsterdam?" Jake said in a confused voice.

"Why is Eddie sending us the coordinates for Amsterdam?" Alex asked.

"Check what's around it. Something famous, or some person related to it," Rob suggested.

"Yeah, there is something actually," Zac said, "There was a movie scene from 'The Fault in Our Stars' shot here, on this bench. Apparently, it was reported to have been stolen a few times."

"So what now, we go to Amsterdam?" Lucy asked.

"No, not happening," I answered.

"But why?" Zac asked, "Amsterdam is so much fun. Look at the place, it's so beautiful. Please can we go? I bet Eddie has some clue hidden on that bench of his."

"We can't jump to conclusions. And "clue on that bench?" Umm, not a great excuse, Zac," Sean said.

"Yeah, I know, but I had to try," Zac grumbled.

"Hey, you said something about 'The Fault in Our Stars,' right? So-," Lucy interrupted me before I could finish, "Omg, omg, omg! No one here can know about TFIOS better than me. I mean, I have seen the movie like more than twenty times, and I've read the book thrice."

Yeah, she was a huge TFIOS fan. She has all the posters, and she loves Ansel Elgort; he is her ultimate crush.

In about three seconds, she is going to start blabbering about how cute he is...

"You know, Ansel Elgort is just so cute, he is like totally amazing, and..."

I told you, didn't I?

In the middle of her ranting, she was cut off by Al.

"Okay, I guess we can talk about him later. We've got important things to discuss right now, yeah?"

Al is usually so sarcastic and doesn't care about these things, but when it comes to doing something important for us, he becomes so focused and calm.

"Yeah, sorry," Lucy said, "But right now I'm distracted and if someone asked me how focused I am on finding the next clue, on a scale of one to ten, I might end up saying "banana" 'cause I don't think I can think of anything other than TFIOS and Ansel right now."

Oh my God, I don't think she's going to stop talking anytime soon about the... wait. Yes, yes!

I turned around and immediately ran towards the mini library in Eddie's room. I had been searching there before.

It probably had about 100 to 150 books in it, from children's books like 'The Little Prince' to classics like 'Romeo and Juliet.'

My sudden action startled everyone a bit. Alex and Jake immediately ran behind me, shortly joined by the others.

"What happened Emy? Are you alright?" Worry could clearly be seen on Jacob's face.

"Yeah, you just ran up here suddenly?" Alex was standing right behind him.

"I'm sorry," I apologized, "I didn't mean to scare you guys, but I was thinking about what Lucy was saying and it just clicked with me."

"What? That Ansel Elgort is cute?" Rob was making a weird face.

"No Robert, Ansel Elgort IS cute but my point is, what if the clue is TFIOS itself and not Amsterdam? What if there is something in the book which will actually help us?"

"Yeah, that seems right. Let's search for it then," Sean said.

We all began searching for the book. Some time later, Zac piped up.

"Found it," he said as he handed me the book.

It was hardcover. All the books on Eddie's shelf were hardcover, surprisingly. Not a single one was paperback.

I opened the book, skimmed through the acknowledgements, and started reading the first chapter.

As I was reading, I realized something. This wasn't TFIOS. It was 'The Merchant of Venice!' Yes I read books. Yes, a part of me is nerdy and I love it that way.

I snatched the book Alex was holding, earning a startled look from him, and I opened it up to the first chapter. The cover of the book was for 'The Hunger Games' but the content for 'Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.'

What in the world was happening?

I explained the situation to everyone. Here I was, thinking that this clue was an easy one, but now we had to go through each and every book here.

"We might as well begin now, guys. I think we are gonna need a lot of coffee and food to survive this," I said, looking at all the books we had to go through.

I wasn't giving up.

Let's get this done!


Another chapter here! Hope you are liking the book .

Can't thank you all enough , the book had its highest rank #2 and we have reached8k !!!All thanks to you guys . Love you loads!

The chapter is not edited so please bear with me.

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