Dotty's (usual) Party

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The piercing scream of Dotty Heilum kept the town of Middlebury on its toes. A midnight stroll turned into a playground for the evil, and the sweet sensation of alcohol turned to poison. Every living creature ran back to its home waiting for the worst; for Dotty would never see the sun shining in her room.

The bleak expressions of students in Woodstock high would make everyone believe that they had heard the news, in fact, no one has. Dotty's parents went to New York for their business meeting and did not expect her to call unless necessary. When the weekends came, Dotty would invite 85% of Woodstock high's population and throw a massive pool party. So when she was absent for 3 days and no words about the party, everyone thought she was with her loving parents. The absent party put a damper on the students but nothing could stop them, not even a dead girl.

"Remind me again why we're going to a party and hour away from town?" Amara asked exasperatedly.

"Mara, just trust me okay? It may not be Dotty's party but we can still have fun, we're 18 for god's sake! Plus, you need to get out of this house and stop working on your homework," Videl, Vi for short, said in a matter of fact before turning to her reflection in the mirror.

"But an hour away? We would be 10 towns away!"

"More like 2," Vi said as she rolled her eyes, "Now go change before I force you to."

Groaning, Amara stood from her bed and grabbed the black dress, "Jeez Vi, do I have wear this dress?"



"Go," Vi said smirking as she pointed to Amara's closet, "Don't complain or we're going to be late to the party."

"Oh how terrible that would be-" a pillow flew to her face, "VI REALLY WHY WOU-"

"Amara Bethany Knight! Go and put on that dress or so God help me."

Dejected and on a losing streak, "Yes mom," said Amara crawling to her closet.

Vi smiled, satisfied and continued to blend her eye makeup before grabbing Amara's hair straightener. Her eyes clouded slightly before going back to finish her makeup and starting on her hair.

"I look silly," Amara said coming out of her closet.

"No, you look good, now stop pouting and sit; I still need to do your hair and makeup," Vi said grabbing another chair.

"What's wrong with my makeup?"

"Nothing it just too.."

"Too what? Normal?"

"Exactly!" Vi said smiling widely, "Mara it's a party, you've got to look good! Don't you want to attract attention?"

"No," said Amara stubbornly, "I'm fine with the attention I have, I don't need anyone from some random town to like me."

"But that's how you make friends," Vi said, as she stared at Amara raising her eyebrows.

"I've got you,"

"Hmm.. Alright, I'll fall for that one."

"See! You love me," Amara said grinning widely. She was sure that her face would break if she grinned any wider.

"Mara just sit still so we can get to this party," Vi said amused at her antics, "we've got to have fun this weekend so we don't die on Monday."

"I'm pretty excited for Monday," shrugged Amara.

"Amara sit," Vi smiled affectionately.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2017 ⏰

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