weakness - chapter 8

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Manu's pov

The next morning, someone knocked on the door. And when I opened it, I saw Stella.

"Hey Stella, what's up?"

"Happy birthday! Here's a cup of cappuccino for you." She said.

"Thanks.. but how did you know all about this..?"

"Chloe told me yesterday!" she smiled.

"Really?" I was surprised.

"Yeah. Well I gotta go. See you around."

And then Stella walked away, but then I saw Chloe walking out of her room, so I approached her.

"Hey Chloe! Thanks for telling Stella about my birthday and this cappuccino!"

"No problem."

But she just walked away, she didn't turn to me, or anything.

"Chloe, what's wrong?" I was still chasing her.

But then suddenly she stopped.

"Manu." She said.

I was confused.

"Do you still want me to want you...?" she asked.

I didn't say anything.

"Do you still want me to want you?!" She said, already crying as she turned around facing me.

And I walked closely to her and I kissed her.

And she pulled away, looking very confused.

"I still love you, Chloe."

"What? Why did you do that..? You have Stella..." she still looked confused.

"She's actually not my girlfriend."

"What...?" she asked, still looking very confused.

"It's all Melissa's idea. She wants to make you jealous." I explained.

"What the hell..?"

"And... I think it.. worked...?"

She rolled her eyes.

"So you're not dating her...?" she asked.



"And to answer your question, yes. I still want you to want me. Chloe, I won't give up on you, and you know that." I said.

She smiled and she hugged me.

"So you're jealous!!" I chuckled as I put my arm around her shoulders.

"Stop it.."

She's my weakness.


Chloe's pov

I went back to my room.

And then as I saw Melissa, I hugged her.

"Hey.. what's that for..?" she hugged me back.

"Thank you and I'm sorry because I'm being such a jerk." I said.

"You are. But why did you thank me?" she said as she pulled away.

"Manu and I are back together.."

"Really???" she looked very surprise.


"Oh my God!!!!!!" she looked very happy.

"Calm down, lady." I chuckled.


So at night, I was with Manu. And we decided to have a video chat with Chelsea.

"Hey Chloe! Wait a minute... is that.. Manu?!" she looked surprise.

"Hey Chelsea!" Manu said as he waved his hand.

"What is going on?!?!?!"

"We're back together!" I said.


"Yes. Please don't scream out loud, Chelsea.

"Oh my God I'm so happy..." she said.

"Yeah, we can see that." Manu said."

"By the way, Manu, How you doin'???" she asked.

"I'm good, how are you?" he asked.

"Very good! Oops gotta go, Mom's calling, bye!" she said.

"Say hi from me!" I said.

"I will!"

And then she went offline.

So the next day we went to Anne Frank house, and there's not much thing happened.

And then the other next day, we went to Berlin!

And then suddenly Melissa told me something unexpected.

"I think I like Zach."

"What the hell, Melissa?"

"I don't know..."

We went to Bradenburg Gate, to take some pictures.

"Melissa, take a picture of Manu and I!"


And then,

"Do you want me to take a picture of you and Zach?" I asked.

"No, thanks." She said, sarcastically.

We had fun that day.

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