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You walked down the desolate street, making sure to be silent as you quickened your pace. You were raised to be fearful of the night, to stay indoors when the sun went down, to make sure you weren't caught outside.

But you were outside. And you were afraid.

You were trying to run home without being too loud. If any of them heard you, you wouldn't make it home.

If only you hadn't stayed late at work. They even advised that you should have left, but you needed to get the last weeks worth of work finished so you could enjoy your weekend.

Now you were racing through the street. You thought about taking alleyways as shortcuts, but you knew they lurked there. Although you also knew the risk of being out in the open; it was basically a trap. They would wait to see if any foolish people dared to be out there. And you just so happened to be one of them.

A footstep was heard behind you. You didn't bother to turn around, but you did speed up. Maybe they were just watching you. Maybe they already ate. Maybe you would get lucky.

You heard soft laughter before you were suddenly ripped to the side and into an alley.

Before you had a chance to react, your assailant craned your head and exposed your neck, violently and swiftly biting down. The man moaned against you, pressing his mouth hard against your skin. Between the fangs that dug into you, you felt his tongue slide out and rest against the wounds he made.

You yelled out in pain, but it only lasted a moment before your attacker was ripped off of you and shoved, "Alan!"

The man who bit you growled darkly in response.

You were holding the bite wound that Alan didn't heal, almost in tears. Not only were you in the hands of one of them, now there was a second. They blended in with the night, black leather on pale skin. Every feature was visible on their faces.

Alan was fuming. He was beyond upset to have his friend interrupt his eating. Not to mention, she was his type. He was going to have a meal then dessert in bed. But Dave had to intervene; he just couldn't wait his turn.

You were too afraid to run and much too afraid to speak. If you drew attention to yourself, you didn't know what they would do.

"Did you forget what we agreed on? We share the territory, only if I have the first bite." The man growled.

Alan came back over to you, ignoring his friend.

"No, no!" You backed away, but ran into the other man when he slammed his hand against the wall.

Alan licked at the wound, healing it, knowing enough blood loss would make you pass out. He shivered audibly before Dave shoved him again.

"Knock it off!"

"Shove it, Dave! You want her bleeding out on us!" Alan didn't bother to wipe your blood off his mouth.

Dave took a step toward Alan with a dangerous look in his eye, "Watch it."

The two stared at each other until Dave slammed his hand against the wall again, stopping you from leaving. He didn't even look at you, still staring down Alan, when he spoke, "Try that one more time, sweetheart," he shot you a side glance, "try me..."

"Please, I'm almost home..." You felt ridiculous saying that, but you didn't know what to say.

Dave covered your mouth roughly. His hand was cold against you. You couldn't believe this was happening to you.

"You might as well finish what you started then, Alan. Have your fill like you want."

Alan scoffed, "Oh no, you go ahead, Dave. You already have your hands on the girl who, might I add, is not your type."

Dave snarled, ripping his hand off your mouth and taking another step toward Alan, "So now you're trying me?" He had his mouth curled, showing off the fangs that took countless lives; he wasn't afraid to teach his friend a lesson with them.

Alan stepped forward, their noses almost touching, "Yeah...I am."

You didn't wait around to see what they would do. You scrambled away back out into the street, running as fast as you could to get to your place. Luckily for you, you didn't hear anything behind you, or anything at all really. You hoped they were still arguing, but you doubted it.

You made it to your door, unlocking it to the little apartment you occupied upstairs. It was only you who lived in the tiny building, no one else. You thought of running to get help, but no one helped at night.

When you get upstairs, you shut your door and set all the locks in place. You were breathing heavy and trying to calm down.

You felt safe enough after standing for a while to go and change clothes to go to sleep. Although you didn't know how well you would sleep after what happened, or, almost happened.

You checked your neck in the mirror. It was normal, free of any marks. You sighed and made your way to your bed, plopping down and getting under the covers.

After a while of thinking, you finally closed your eyes and started to doze off.

Those two men, Alan and Dave, were peculiar. It was only a quick bite that Alan had and you were grateful it was only that. You didn't know anything about their kind, frankly, you didn't want to. But knowing those two were out there, with your scent, and with Alan having a taste of your blood: it made your skin crawl.

You were deep in sleep when you felt a heavy presence beside you. Your eyes shot open when you realized someone was laying next to you.

They were pressed up so close to you that you felt every inch of them. You didn't have to turn around to know who it was. And it seemed he knew you were awake.

You felt him dig his hips into your backside, "That little stunt of yours," before he moved to nip at your ear, "That was bold."

You were wrong. It wasn't Alan, it was Dave locking you in his embrace in your own bed.

You went to get up and get away, but his grip was way too strong.

He laughed breathlessly, "You think you can play me like that, sweetheart?"

Out of the corner of your eye you saw Alan in the shadows, sitting in your chair in the corner of the room. His leather clad legs were crossed and even in the darkness of your room, you could see his expression. It almost looked like jealously, or even an anger with a hint of lust.

Whatever it was, you didn't like it. And you certainly didn't like the situation you were in now.

While you were thinking, Dave was busy feeling you up, trailing his hand up and down your side. He quietly whined when he enjoyed it and rubbed his face against yours.

"We'll show you what happens when you fuck with the both of us."

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