Chapter 1: First glance

Start from the beginning

"Sorry kid, didn't see ya there." The detective said helping Drake up.

Drake slightly scared, but wasn't showing it. Was the detective going to notice who he was by his apparel?

"It's fine, excuse me." Drake said trying to walk past the detective, looking down at the ground. The detective walked in front of him once more.

"You look familiar, have I seen you before?" The detective asked.

Drake was coming up with an answer on the spot

"Have you stopped by the library recently? My sister lives there and I'm there every-"

"No no, you look like someone I know-"

"Drake! What are you doing! Moms been looking every where! Is he giving you trouble? I'm so sorry! He's a little crazy. Don't worry I'll get him out of your way." Lizzy said out of no where, saving Drakes ass and dragging him away from the situation.

The detective tried to ask more questions, but threw it aside and walked over to the guards for interrogation. Lizzy dragged Drake to the library, only a few minutes away from town square. She saw the commotion and figured it had something to do with "The cards men" or her idiot Drake. She threw him into the library and started scolding him.

"Drake! What the bloody hell are you doing! Do you understand how close you were to getting busted!? I can't save your ass every time!" She yelled, pointing at Drake on the floor.

"Ya ya whatever. Look what I snatched." He said taking the box out of his satchel and opening it up. The crown was a velvet purple fabric with gold and jewels framing the outside. It had a blue sapphire on the top and a ruby in the center. It had many other colorful jewels, but those were the most important.

"Drake! You can't just flash that around!" She said, walking over and closing the box. Drake put it back into his satchel, a smirk on his face.

"The kingdom must be in utter chaos! Do you know what we can do with this!" Drake told Lizzy excitedly, standing up and pointing towards the door.

"What? Sell it? Who's not going to notice that's the crown jewel?" She asked/yelled. He could tell Lizzy was getting into her "I'm about to punch you in the face if you don't explain yourself" stage so he tried his best to defuse her.

"Listen Liz, we can sell the jewels in the crown and make the money that way. The royals might know I stole it but they don't know who "The Cards Men" is." Drake explained, Lizz not really buying it.

"Drake, please tell me that this wasn't your "Master plan" you told me about last week." Lizz said crossing her arms.

"Yep." Drake said, smirking and leaning against the wall.

"Drake you are such a goner." Lizzy said, walking over to a pile of books and started to put them away.

"Lizzy please think-" Drake stopped talking after hearing a knock on the door. Lizzy and Drake both looked at each other, then back at the door.

"Who is it?" Lizzy asked, shewing Drake into their secret hiding spot behind a book case. Lizzy walked over to the door after Drake was completely hidden, letting Detective Hanes and three guards inside.

"Hanes! What a pleasure to see you! How's a going?" Lizzy said with a cheerful face.

"Elizabeth, were you in town square with your brother recently?" Hanes asked, crossing his arms.

"Oh was that you? I couldn't tell, it was too dark." She said, faking a smile and walking over to her desk. She sat down, resting her elbows on the desk.

"Yes it was me. Who is your brother exactly?" He asked, taking out a notebook. He grabbed Elizabeth's ink and feather pen.

'First off, he's not my real brother, he's a pain in the ass. But he's The cards men!' Liz mockingly said in her head.

"Well he was adopted by my parents, they died two years later in an accident with the royal guards and he now helps me with the library." Elizabeth said, basically telling the truth but of course leaving out the bad parts.

"I see." Hanes said, writing down what she just said. "Has he done anything suspicious lately?"

"No, the only thing he did was run into you in town square because I sent him on an errand run." She smiled, trying to get the feeling of suspicion out of the detectives head.

"Is he here now?" Hanes asked, setting down the feather pen.

"No sadly, I sent him out again." She replied, trying to get him to leave.

"Alright, well thank you and have a good night." He said, him and the guards leaving. Lizzy let out a sigh, finally starting to breath, realizing she has been holding it in.

"Drake you can come out again." Lizzy said, laying her head on the desk.

"Thanks, I owe you one." Drake said exiting he book shelf and sitting on her desk.

"You owe me way more than one." She said standing up and pushing him off.

"I know I know. But hey! I didn't get caught!" Drake stated, walking over to her on the other side of the room.

"Not yet anyway." She sighed handing him a book.

"Well goodnight "sister", see ya in the morning!" Drake said, taking the book and going upstairs to his room.

"Night brother."

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