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17 years old
Short Raven colored hair
Hazel Carmel eyes
Olive skin
Defined jawline
Muscular, but not super ripped.
His very athletic and super agile
He can sneak around without being noticed by anyone
Super flexible
He his witty and calm under pressure
His mouth will never stop running and he can talk his way out of any situation.
He's a jokester and is loved by the people of the town.
High ranked thief
Nickname "The Cards men"
Has a bounty of  1 million pounds

Prince Jacob
18 years old
6 feet tall
Short Dirty blonde hair
Bright blue eyes
Fair skin
Freckles on his nose and under his eyes
Slightly defined jawline
Muscular, but not ripped
Very artistic and creative
He can play the guitar and the violin
In his spar time he writes songs
He has a small anger problem and calms down with music
Witty, uses his intelligence as a comeback
Supposed to be king in two years
Has the job of finding and arresting
"the cards men" aka Drake

Elizabeth "Lizzy"
17 years old
Long Light brown hair
Light brown eyes
Fair skin
Defined cheek bones
Not skinny but not fat either, just right
Current scholar and author for the royals
Kind and compassionate
Best friends with Drake
Shy around everyone but Drake
Sarcastic and playful with Drake
Hides Drakes secret from London
Sadly, is in charge of writing the news column for the thief "The Cards men"

15 years old
Shaggy Light blonde hair
Green/Hazel eyes
Pale skin
Regular jaw line
Not muscular
Rather skinny child
Is a servant/friend to prince Jacob
Shy but will do anything to make Prince Jacob happy
Loyal, trusting, and sometimes forgetful
Sometimes takes matters into his own hands about "The Cards men"

Detective Hanes
First name James
25 years old
Short Dark brown hair
Light green/grey eyes
Tan skin
Defined jaw line
Muscular, not ripped
Has been chasing common thieves sense he was 18
Never seen anyone like "The cards men"
Determined and persistent
Short tempered and outgoing
Will do anything to get info on "The cards men" but never break the law, unlike his other detectives
Very loyal to the Royals

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