Chapter 1: First glance

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Year 1416

The full moon was shining above the castle of London.
On a breezy, cold January night, a certain man was sneaking around.
Waiting for the right time to pounce.
Today the crown jewel of London was being transported from the gates to the castle tonight and Drake wanted to get his hands all over it.
As Drake stalked through the bushes, the jewel was being loaded onto a carriage with two guards at the helm and inside the carriage. Drake knew the risks of trying to get his mitts on it but the price was to good. He ran over to the edge of the gate, hiding in a pocket on the wall. He surveyed his surroundings, making sure there was a small amount of guards to take down. As the two outside guards walked into the towers of the gates, Drake rolled to the side of the carriage, pulling back the curtains of the window and dropping a hand made smoke bomb into the carriage. The two guards inside fled out and Drake opened the door and slipped in. He heard shouting and commands being said but he knew he had exactly a minute to get it and leave the area. He searched under the seat and grabbed the case with the jewel inside. He double checked just to make sure. He slid out of the carriage and ran towards town. He heard a guard yell, and heard the patter of feet behind him. He wasn't fast enough.

"The town is a mile away from the castle, if I can run into town and hide in Lizzy's shop I can make it out. But I don't want Lizzy to get in trouble if they find me. Best option, run for my underground safe havens." Drake said to himself

He started sprinting to the town entrance, already pinpointing the exact locations to hide. He pushed past two guards at the entrance and began running towards town square.

"Stop that man!" Drake heard the guards from the carriage yell to the guards at the towns entrance.

Already knowing he had six guards on him, now he has eight. Way to much, and could easily draw attention to him. He pushed his way through civilians and bystanders, them instantly recognizing his "uniform". It was all black, long sleeve shirt and pants but he had a white cloth with a spades symbol on it that covered the bottom half of his face. That's where he got the nickname "Cards men". As he pushed through people, more guards seem guards to join in on their chase.

"Time to go onto my turf." Drake said to himself.

He saw boxes stacked up like stairs and used them to his advantage. He stuffed the box with the jewel in it into his satchel and ran up the boxes, using a sign on the side of a building to swing onto the roof.

"He's on the roof tops! Don't let him escape!" He heard the main guard yell.

He jumped from roof to roof, climbing up onto he taller buildings and jumping down onto the smaller ones. After he reached a far enough distance, he jumped down onto the busy street, throwing his hood over his head, he blended into the busy crowd and pulled down his face mask.

"Great! He's gone, what are we going to tell Prince Jacob and Detective Hanes?" One of the guards yelled, only a few feet away from Drake without knowing it.

"We can't do anything, the only problem that is of concern is the crown jewel. What are we going to tell the King?" The main guard yelled.

As Drake weaved into the crowd even further he ran into the chest of a large man. Falling over onto his butt.

"Woah, watch where your going!" Drake stated, looking up to see the one and only, detective Hanes.

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