info & warnings

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I'd just like to say a few things before you go read this most likely-to-be shitty take on BTS at hogwarts.

First things first, this is their first (woe a lot of 1st in that opener) year at hogwarts. if this gets a lot of love i'll continue till their last year through other books. Next thing is, they boys' ages aren't in order so seokjin n taehyung are the youngest to fit around the time.

age order - oldest to youngest


Also, there will be sadness and there will be drama please don't expect it to be all happy-go-lucky bullshit. The first chapter makes it look like it's different scenarios but no, that's just them reacting to getting accepted. the next chapters after that will look like a normal fic.

please love and support this fic and if i mess up somewhere on the chapters please feel free to point it out and i'll correct it. I aim for 1000-2500 each chapter so please bare with me if the updates are super slow.

Also thank cottoncandyvmin for possibly betaing a lot of this for me. she's a great friend so please check out her books.

thanks :)

gem 🌷

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