Chapter Eleven:

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Jack's POV:

It was finally happening.  I was going to be changed to a human and live a normal life.  I would grow up and die.  The thought was so sweet it made me smile.  I could have a normal life.  But then again, would I miss being able to do all the magic and frills that I could do now?  I would definitely miss transporting myself to different places whenever I wanted to.

The power of the stone vibrated in my ears and I knew Anna could feel it as well.  I stared at her beautiful face and wondered if it would look differently when this was all over... when the blackness didn't fog my mind anymore.  I nodded.

"I'm ready."

My voice came out in a whisper that both frightened and enlightened me.  This was it.  I would finally return to my human self.  I bowed my head and closed my eyes tightly.  All of my dreams had finally come true except one.  I still loved Anna.

"Take the curse from this man's head and let him stay on earth undead.  Make him clean and whole, as if he were alive once more," Anna paused, then continued: "Let him stay in this time period, as if he belongs here.  Let him realize his journey has just begun.  Free his mind of the blackness that haunts him, and let him remember his evil deeds no more."

A raging pain cut its way across my chest and I let out a pitiful scream.  Anna rushed forward and grabbed me in her arms.  "Are you okay?" she asked in a panicked voice.  "What hurts?"

The pain continued as I looked into her eyes.  "My... heart..." I said between breaths.  "Please stay with me..."

Anna helped me to the couch and held my hand as the pain continued throughout my body.  I squeezed her hands till I grew weaker and weaker.  Suddenly I became too weak to hold on anymore and I slipped into a world of pure darkness.

The Stone of Life: Book Four: The MessengerWhere stories live. Discover now