Chapter Eight:

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Anna's POV:

As we left the mansion a carriage pulled up the drive and stopped ten feet from our linked forms.  I glanced at Jack before looking expectantly at the carriage.  The door opened and a young man that I didn't recognize stepped from it.  I creased my eyebrows and glanced at Jack again: he looked just as confused as I did, but he also looked bewildered.

"Alexander?" Jack asked in a fearful voice.  "I--I--"

"Yes Jack, I'm still around," Alexander, the young man, answered sarcastically.

"You know this man?" I whispered to Jack.  He nodded and with big eyes he moved me behind him.

"You will not take her from me," he said deliberately, stepping forward menacingly.  "I won't let you."

"You have no choice in the matter," Alexander snorted, and he raised his hand to twitch his fingers.  I creased my eyebrows before looking toward the carriage to see Eric climbing from it.

"I will be taking her from you," Eric smiled brilliantly.  "I've come to collect her."

"Eric!" I started to run for him but Jack grabbed my arms and pulled me toward his chest.

"You're not going anywhere," he hissed into my ear.  "Not until I have my stone!"

I tried to tear my arms away, but he wouldn't budge.  "Let me go," I complained.  I rolled my eyes when he wouldn't.  Suddenly I realized that I was out of the house... I could do anything I wanted!  I quickly did the chant that would transport me to Eric, but nothing happened.  Jack seemed to know what I was concentrating on.

"It won't work," he laughed.  "The necklace has magic laced with it."

Frustrated, I stomped down on his foot with all my force, but he just winced.  Alexander laughed at my predicament and I glared over at him.

"You're next," I growled.  Eric just stood in place, not wanting to get any closer most likely, and we made eye contact.  I mouthed: 'I love you.'  He smiled and nodded.  Closing my eyes I tried turning around, but Jack wouldn't have it.

"Get in the house," Jack commanded roughly.  He started to drag me toward the house and through the door.

"Let go of me," I protested, but he was a lot stronger than I was and I couldn't pull from his grasp.  "I won't let you bring me in there again!"

Bringing my head back in desperation, I head butted Jack in the nose.  He let go in surprise and held onto his now bleeding nose.  As soon as he did this I ran from him and started down the wide stairs leading to his mansion.  He growled in frustration and suddenly he appeared in front of me.  He must have transported.

I stopped in fright and ran the opposite direction just be stopped again by his form.  He would have to get tired of transporting sooner or later, and then I would be able to get away.  But that's not what happened.  As soon as he saw me running to the left he transported next to me, grabbed my arm, and transported me into the house, shutting the door in the process with his magic.  As soon as we were securely in the house, he started a chant that would protect it.

"Stop it Jack!" I grabbed at his hands and tried to stop the chant, but he wouldn't stop for anything.  As soon as it was sealed onto the house I knew that no one would be able to come in and no one would get out.  I started to cry and sunk to the floor.  "Why are you doing this?"

He ignored me and grabbed my arm, pulling me up to face him.  Half dragging me, he led me to the sitting room where he bound me to the same pole he had tortured me on not so long ago.  As soon as he had done this, he snapped his fingers and a needle appeared.  I froze in terror and started to cry harder.

"Please Jack, just tell me what you want.  I'll give you anything."

"I want the stone," he hissed into my ear.

"I can't give you that," I protested.  "I hid it somewhere and can't remember where it is."

"Then suffer the consequence of forgetting," he replied.  He plunged the needle in and hovered for a moment before pushing the liquid into my main blood stream.  I braced myself for the pain that was to come and plead silently for Eric to find a way in.

Eric's POV:

"You idiot," I screamed at Alexander.  "You were to stop Jack from taking her in!  That was the plan."

I threw my hands up in frustration and stomped around the place for a moment before marching up the steps.  If Alexander wasn't going to do anything, then I would take matters into my own hands.  As soon as I put my hand on the doorknob it was like a red hot iron and I pulled back quickly to see a small burn on my palm.  I winced and went to try it again when I heard Alexander speak.

"He has a spell on the house.  No one comes in, no one goes out.  It's simple really and he knows he has only ten minutes to get what he wants before I can come in and ruin the place.... and rescue certain people."

I turned around irritated.  "Why didn't you tell me that before?"

"I had to see if I was right," Alexander replied.  "I wasn't going to risk my hand to figure out the puzzle.  Although, he might have another spell on top of this one."

I rolled my eyes and sat on the top step.  "We'll just wait ten minutes then."

Ten minutes rolled on and I got up to check the door with a stick.  When nothing happened I assumed it safe to use my hand again, but as I placed my hand on the knob it burned it again.  I stepped back and growled in frustration.  Alexander laughed from behind.

"You knew it wasn't over yet, didn't you," I accused.  He nodded.

Alexander had been standing in the same spot the whole time this had been happening and I knew it was to save energy up for the battle that was to come.  As more time passed I glanced at Alexander before trying the handle again.  It opened this time and I smiled at Alexander in victory, but he wasn't there anymore.  He must have seen the need to transport himself into the house.  The plan would be complete in just a few moments of time, and Anna and Laura would be safe once more.

The Stone of Life: Book Four: The MessengerWhere stories live. Discover now