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A rainy midnight in the forest, red blood moons shining bright, the atmosphere was filled with mystery. Down a path in the mountains was a woman riding her horse, a dagger in her hand and a contract in a satchel, stained with a black hand, a name and a gold sum.

Arriving to her destiny, only one thing in her head, the hunt and the prey. She got down of her horse and entered the small lumber mill village. Gave a pouch of gold to the guard to keep quiet, and enters the house of her prey, silent as a snake.

Sneaking through the rooms undetected by the kids and the wife sleeping peacefully in their beds, unaware of what will happen.

The woman opens the door that leads to the basement, dagger ready, hand steady as always and a bloodlust urging to be satisfied.

Going inside she finds the old man sitting down, sipping wine from a silver goblet, and writing a letter. He rubs his eyes and groans, exhausted. A spy of the empire trying to discover the Brotherhood's sanctuary, so naive and foolish, always messing with forces stronger than theirs.

The woman moves closer to the spy and sheathes her dagger, realizes she won't be needing it, not yet.
A grin spreads on her face when she listens the old man yawning, he has no idea she is there, with a swift movement she places herself behind the chair where the man is sitting, she raises her hands near his neck and has them both wrapped around it in the blink of an eye.

The man tries to yell, but he can't, she grabs him with so much strength that he cannot even breathe a little. He takes his hands to his captive's ones in an attempt to take them off. But before he can reach his own neck, the woman throws him to the floor and pins him under her, she is so light but so strong, almost unreal.

The man looked up and saw his attacker. Her face was covered by a masked black and red cowl, but he could see her eyes: bright yellow ones with slit pupils, but she was no Khajiit. She had dark skin, and a small scar under her left eye.

"such a shame, you were doing a really good job. I have been watching you for a few weeks by now. I have to admit that I am impressed, you are the only one of all those petty spies Tullius have sent that actually got this far on finding our sanctuary. Such a shame that now I have to kill you... Oh but not just now, you see, I still hadn't have enough fun with you..."

By the time she had finished speaking, she had unsheathed her ebony dagger and was tracing it on the man's cheek, and suddenly he couldn't move nor speak.
She had poisoned the dagger with paralysis poison the day before, she surely was expecting this day.

The woman chuckled, and started playing with her dagger.

"You thought it would be so easy for you, huh?" She stopped chuckling  and suddenly stabbed the man in the hand, he tried to scream, but it was useless, his eyes wide open and a weak, faint sound escaped his slightly open mouth.

"Oh don't even try. I was shot with an arrow with that poison, it is useless to fight" she undid a few strings from her black and red armor, and showed the man the scar she had in her stomach. Well, probably it was the one he was seeing. She was filled with all sorts of scars, but had this particular big one, round and showed that it had its years and was deep, with small black lines.

"Oh but what does any of it really matter anyway? You are not leaving this room alive, or in one piece either." The woman said as she removed her dagger from the man's flesh and traced it swiftly through the length of his hand... And suddenly, cutting his index finger.

Warm blood emanated from where the finger was supposed to be. The woman laughed and got her face closer to the man's, literally feeling each other's breath on their faces.

"Good luck on the other side" said the woman, she was smiling, and it could be seen even with her cowl on.
The man's eyes were extremely open, he was terrified.

And without any further notice, the ebony dagger slit the man's throat in half. Blood spilling everywhere. She sheathed her dagger and took the alto wine that was on the table. She sat on the chair and put her feet on the desk as she took a sip of the wine. She noticed the letter that the man was writing, so she grabbed it and read it.

"My general, I send this letter to inform you that blah, blah, blah... The location somewhere near Falkreath blah, blah, blah... The same bullshit every spy sends to the General. That guy must be really fucking tired of this bunch of cheese brains" said the woman, talking to herself.

She took one last big sip of wine before leaving it in the table and throwing the letter to a small bonfire pit that was lit on the floor, beside the table.

She sneaked out of the house, undetected once more.
She left the house behind and walked to the entrance of the village, and as she arrived she saw the guard who she had paid to keep quiet, she stared at him as she passed by.

"Not a word" she said, and the guard nodded.

Her horse, Briarheart, was expecting her at the outside of the village, the woman ran and hugged him.

"Awwww, did you miss me, boy? Ohh I missed you" she said as she stroked his snout and then got up in the saddle, she decided to camp in the forest for the night.

She finally reached a nice location in the woods, it had a small pond and fireflies lit the place up, the stars shone bright, and a beautiful green Northern light lit the whole province.

The woman took a bottle of wine and a bedroll that was on the horse's back and placed it on the floor, she removed her cowl and got comfortable on the bedroll.

She was a dark skinned young woman. With silver eyes that sometimes shone yellow, and had a scar under her left eye. She had two white war paint stripes at both sides of her face.
She passed a hand through her black hair, which was in a dreadlock mohawk. She sighted and fell back onto the bedroll with both of her hands at the back of her head, she stared at the stars until she fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2017 ⏰

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