BIG FIGHT SCENE!!! (took me long enough)

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                                                                  chapter 4ish

(well obviously, theres a fight now. no duh. thnx 4 the idea btw, ive been meaning to getting around to it. but im lazy. so now im bored, so i will. look what you have made me do.)

so pim brings( drags )me into the nurses office  so the nursey person, me pouting some (all ) of the way. we go over there, he hasnt said a thing by the way,  where she tells me that i have a sprained ancle. well thats better than what i thought it would be...... but still bad. why did i have to run off like that? it was so dum of me....... what did i really think it would acomplish? that they would all just leave? all my problems? because i think thats what i believed would happen. i wish i hadnt done that. now at least a hundred were on their way here because of me. and i felt...shity. and i cant even help. i can stare out my window, like i am right now, and watch my freinds get beaten to a pulp. well, i am going to shoot them from here but i still feel crappy.

   i get pissed in exactly 6 seconds. someone put bella out in the feild. morons. i mean, shes awsome and all, but shes not a close combat person. shes more of a- ill shoot you from up here and youll like it kind of person. (as i said, awsomeness ) but shes out in the feild, with a- are you friggin kidding me? a friggin riffale?!? are you kidding me? ok, thats it im gettin out of here. i am gonna kill our friggin "president" . hes's a dictator, basicly.  he tells us what to do, while he sits in his office and drinks. unfortanatley, i cant kill him. as i said, its elligal. plus.... hes my dad.

I walk down the hallway to the old principals office. (btw the only room that still has air conditioning, unforrtanatly ) and i wave to brandon on my way there. i make it exactly 3 feet before it hits me. why the hell is he in here?!?!  "your dad wont let me out.'' he responds. did i say that outloud? oops. "wanna come yell at him with me?" i ask. that usually cheers me up. but then again, its not like he can do anything to me. you know, dad pride or something. i dont really care, but i guess it helps me out, considering i dyed all his clothes pink...what was it... " katrina croft to the presadents office." booms over the loudspeaker. brandon smiles. "what did you do this time?" he says, holding a laugh. " i have no i dea what your talking about!" -i reply in the most sarcastic voice ever- "are you saying you think that i dyed all of the presidents clothes pink?" i finish. he almost laughs, but focuses out the window again. i sigh. so close to. "bye brandon." i say hoping he will turn round. he dosent. i start walking down the hall to dads office. this is gonna be fun.

The Zombie Diary (thats not really a diary )حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن