Chapter 16 - Weekend Searches

Start from the beginning

He was about to give up when a very familiar scent caught his attention…


She wasn’t alone. There was a boy, and they were coming closer.

          Matt jumped behind a tree and shrunk down as small as he could, which wasn’t that small considering as he was a massive wolf twice the size of a normal one, if not more. However, he knew he would be camouflaged against the night sky and the other trees around him, their shadows clinging to his fur like a magnet.

          Laura was first to come into view, her hair waving in the cold breeze of night, a dark coat on with a small white scarf. She was wearing large gloves and some fluffy boots, her short mini skirt hitched so high up her bum she couldn’t walk without showing a bit too much flesh. Matt shook his head and licked his dry nose, watching as she bounced past.

“We really should go watch a film, you know. It’s too cold to be hanging around outside.” She rubbed her arms and then her mouth spread into a grin as she turned around to look at the boy with her.

“I don’t feel like the cinema. Come to mine.”

“God you move quickly.” Laura laughed and Matt twisted around the tree to see who she was moving towards.

Matt growled fiercely and had to swallow the noise.

Gareth. Kristen’s Gareth. With Laura?

He didn’t understand. Laura was Kristen’s friend. Why would she be hanging around with Gareth? Unless… Matt shook his whole body as a snarl filled his throat. He knew Gareth was bad. He knew Gareth was trouble. Kristen didn’t listen to him. Already he was moving onto another girl and he, nor Laura, seemed to care about Kristen’s feelings.

Laura grabbed onto Gareth’s hands and pulled him close to her, smiling. “Fine. Lead the way.” She winked.

Gareth grabbed her hips and dragged her close, kissing her cheeks. “But the cold is nice. It shows your legs.” He winked and slid his hand down her side.

She jumped and laughed, stroking his arm. “You make me laugh, Gareth. Tut, tut. What about Kristen, eh?”

Gareth grunted and rolled his eyes. “She’s boring. Unlike you.” He kissed her roughly and she grabbed his face, kissing him just as hard back. It was disgusting, like they were eating each other's faces.

Matt snarled and his lip curled over his canines. How dare they. How dare they do that to Kristen. She didn’t deserve it. It wasn’t fair. He knew he was trouble. Now look what had happened.

“Gareth.” Laura whispered when he pulled away to breathe. “What if someone sees?”

“They wont. Come here.” He grabbed her and wrapped her legs around his waist, making her laugh before kissing him again. Her skirt blew, only just covering herself. Matt turned his head away in disgust.

          He was shaking. Being a wolf and still shaking had never happened to him before. He had to be really angry. He didn’t know what to do or how to react. If he cut in their little embrace anything could happen and it would endanger himself.

Though he’d love to rip both of their heads off, he didn’t want to become the murderer. He couldn’t butt in. One, they would freak out and either run away or hit him, like it would hurt him anyway. Two, if he got involved they would report a large wolf in the area which would probably be put down as the reason for the deaths, and three, he wasn’t sure if it would be the best thing to do. If he kicked off, then what? Kristen would still be hurt.

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