||Chapter two||-Another world

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          It was like the world has stopped.

          But suddenly, the space beside them shifted. The turning and twisting gave people headaches as they all fell unconscious.

          Well, not quite all.

          They stopped, and for a moment they seem to be floating in the sky. Then in a huge "Bang!" they fell down snapping them up,wincing and struggling to stand up. After some time of people trying to stay awake and calm,Jazz spoke up. "Ugh...Where the hell are we?" "The 'dark forest', I guess," Katie said, still on the floor trying to stand up.

          "Wow, we're in some place like a game." Lorza exclaimed, looking around. They are in a small room, vines climbed up the walls, bright red splattered everywhere. It's oddly weird and creepy. They couldn't tell if it was blood or paint, and guessed that they'll probably never know what the red substance is suppose to be.

          A man was - if it's even possible - glowing in red.As he started to walk toward them, Jazz notice that the light was not from his clothes but rather from his skin. The man stopped in front of them,his feet was not touching the ground.

          "Greetings. Welcome to this world. You'll be playing a death game later one.Let me explain the rules to you."The seemly ghost said creeping the four out."Wait... Are... are  you a ghost!?"Lorza stuttered out full of fear."Indeed, I am a ghost that died here. But due to by great behavior and personality, I became promoted to this level. Explaining things to the newcomers."

          The ghost continued, "In this game, you will have to survive in the dark forest for a week. There are three rules you need to remember and take notice of. First,you can't help other group of comers.Second,monster can't be killed,they will only be dead for an hour.Third,whoever die in this game will stay in the forest as a monster forever."

          "Group!?Wait...the others are gone!!"Jazz exclaimed,seeing that Ingrid,Chels,Zane and Jack are nowhere in sight."Though it's not the most important things to say at this moment,you do make a valid point."Lorza state."Seems like overall it was true..."Sabrina muttered,indicating the information told in the book."This is unbelievable..."Katie whispered with despair.Lorza signed and said "How do we survive in this forest?How do we really play this game?"

          The ghost laughed,"That's your problem,I'm afraid..."A sound of screaming stopped his voice."What's that?"Katie asked,her voice was shaking."I believe that's one of our new ghost!You might see her in a minute."Suddenly,a little girl ghost floated  in through the wall."What...Where am I?" "Silence"The ghost said,putting his hand on her forehead.The little girl ghost started glowing,and her voice of screaming filled the room.


          The scream of agony disturbed everyone except the ghost.The little girl ghost disappeared,though the sound still roams in the room."Wh-what just happened!?"Lorza stuttered out."She's in the forest ahead again,where she died."The ghost replied calmly after the event,it seems like these kind of things has happen multiple  times before

          "As I was saying,you will have to survive for a week,and your other friends will not be working with you,but you can kill them if you want." "Kill them!?Why would we kill our best friends?"The ghost smiled as if they were some kind of poor stupid pets."Who knows?People can't predict the future,and I have seen a lot of stuff before."Jazz looked around."Where is the 'dark forest'?I'm pretty sure we're in a room right now."

          "Heh,the forest is just outside this door.There's some supplies under the table right here,use it wisely.Anyhow I suggest you leave the room as soon as possible,as you can see ghosts could just float  through the walls.They'll obviously target this place first,since even after they become monster their logic still works.Try to get out fast~"The ghost evilly like a maniac,then disappeared.


          For a moment they just stand still,then Katie ran to the table as the others followed silently.The table seemed like a normal one you could see everywhere,an average reading desk.But when Lorza climbed under it.she saw a green box and pulled it out.They found some matches,a flashlight,four same green bracelets,and four weird looking glasses."What are these?"Jazz asked,putting one of the glasses on.Everything now looked green and dark,but besides that it was just a normal glasses. 

          "We got to go."Lorza said,putting the items inside her backpack,opening up the door."Ok let's go"Jazz said as they all walked out of the small room.

          The trees were tall,even if they look up they still couldn't see any light.It was all dark,eeire silence filled the place,they walked curiously into the woods.  

=-----Mean While-----=

          Jack looked around.The ghost who told them the crazy play - or - die game  left after explaining the rules.They have no clue where to go,neither where their friends were.Ingrid found some supplies under a table in the corner,but there was no way out of this room somehow.All they could do is sit and wait,wait for...for what?They have no idea.

          The rules spooked both Jack and Ingrid out.They couldn't really believe they have to survive this deadly game and maybe risking the  possibility of killing their friends they've just handout with.

          "How are we going to get out!?"Ingrid whisper yelled,not wanting to get any dangerous attention from outside."I don't know!"Jack exclaimed,getting angry for honestly no reason. "Look."Chels said,catching everyone's attention."This line clearly assemble that this is a door.If we push it we might be able to get out.

---Back to the other four---

          At least they've got weapons.Holding knives and flashlights,the group felt a lot safer."Wait"Lorza stopped,looking at the darkness in front of them."Did you guys hear that?"Everyone payed attention and listened."Nope,"Katie said"Nothing."

          "Listen,"Lorza insisted,"There's a voice.Wolves,I think."Suddenly,Jazz saw something in the dark.A pair of red eyes looking at them,as if they were already their delicious dinner."Sab,turn the flashlight on""Wait.Why?"Sabrina asked,clearly not knowing what the situation was.Then she saw Jazz,staring at the monster."Oh god..."Sabrina turn the flashlight on,understanding what's the reason behind her friend's sudden act. The girls saw the 'monster',which was certainly a wolf,their hands holding the weapons started to shake because of horror.

          "Is there anything we have to distract the wolf?"Jazz whispered in panic. Lorza quickly took off her bag and started sweeping through all of the things."Wait...here's a random piece of meat that I've accidentally brought." "Use it!" Lorza threw the meat close to the wolf but far from them,they sneaked away when the wolf was on the meat.

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