Chapter 2

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Lauren's POV

The time between "the boyfriend bargain" as I like to call it and the pending due date of Marcus' wedding, went by quickly. It was all hands on deck in the buzzing office. Literally everyone was playing a part in getting things ready for the follow-up meeting with Trident, Inc. leaving me with barely anytime to dress shop for this blasted event. I still couldn't believe I was going. Regardless, I looked at it as a chance to shatter the image I was certain most of the people who'ed be attending had but me in; single and miserable. Either way, I plan to give them a whole lot to talk about. The beginning to the road of no return had arrived.

In another hour, Eli and I would be boarding the airplane. It had taken him a while to finally dismiss his apprehensions of being my "boyfriend" for this wedding. In the end he went along with it seeing there were not really any other options to get the cash he needed for his rent. Having to touch me was something Eli kept bringing up. In his mind I was the boss. So to get him accustomed to being so close ad affectionate, I had us practice being a couple at my apartment almost every evening. Trying it at the office when everyone had left proved not to work, it just made him freeze up even more.

It was the crack of dawn, and I hadn't had my usual cup of coffee yet. Needless to say I was a bit grumpy from caffeine withdrawal. Deciding to travel comfortably, I wore a fitted t-shirt, yoga pants, and some running shoes; a lightweight jacket covered my handbag in the next seat next to me. My hair was braided on one side, with the end draped over the front of my left shoulder. Eli looked just as comfortable but his sexy frame was no less evident in a pair of loose jeans, polo shirt, and sneakers; a hoody style jacket casually draped over his right toned thigh.

He was sitting next to me fooling around with his cell phone. The busy sounds of the airport lulled me into a place where I was forced to deal with the mixed emotions and thoughts threatening to overwhelm me. It had been taxing, trying to act as if I had gotten over Marcus so quickly. Our breakup ripped me to the core. I had trusted Marcus wholeheartedly, even dismissing the signs and subtle changes in him. My days were lived in a fantasy created by my own stupid pride of wanting to have the perfect relationship, perfect life. Never once did I stop to actually talk to him about things. I just acted like everything would take care of itself.

Once our relationship started to go downhill, I literally drowned myself in work. I didn't know how else to deal with his neglect and the widening distance between us. My mindset was all I needed to do was keep him satisfied, help pay bills, trips wherever he wanted to go, shopping sprees and the like. To me that was we needed to stay together. Then the truth hit all the life out of me; we had no real communication. The little we did have was all superficial, nothing really about a future together, family, dreams. We constantly fought those last few months. All I did was work to push out the building heartache; all he did was hang out with friends, well at least that's what I let myself believe. Then when psycho chick showed up at my door, I lost it. No use reliving that nightmare over and over girl. Now you know what to do, have them deep conversations. Get all the cards out on the table from jump.

Eli's hand gently shakes me on right leg, snapping me back from my thoughts in time to hear our flight being called over the intercom. I gather my things, trying not to drop my handbag as I wiggle into my jacket. The unexpected brush of his fingers against my hand, as he removed the now slipping handbag strap, sent an electric jolt up my core. Trying hard to hide the blush on my face, I lower my head only to remember my hair was pulled back in a braid and wouldn't be providing the curtain I desperately wanted at that moment. The only thing left to so was walk as if the act was nothing out of the ordinary between us.

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