Shrugging, Emma paused the show she was watching to bring her full attention to her best friend. She watched as he sat at the edge of her bed, trying to not get too close, not wanting to get sick also. A sigh left her lips as she sat up in bed, leaning against the headboard. "Okay, I guess. I've only been throwing up in the morning and whenever I smell certain foods. I would so kill for eggs but when Mom made them, I threw up all over her feet."

"Oh, wow." The green-eyed boy laughed. For a moment, he was confused to the certain times Emma had felt sick. Suddenly, his eyes widened as he realized a huge possibility for Emma's sickness. "Emma, I'm going to ask you a question and I need you to be completely honest. Don't lie because you think it's embarrassing, okay?"

Emma furrowed her eyebrows, baffled at how quickly Connor's mood changed. Clasping her hands together in her lap, she nodded her head softly. "Okay...What is it? You're scaring me."

"...Did you have sex with Joe while you were together?" Connor asked slowly, scooting closer to his best friend as the words fell from his lips. His heart was beating hard in his chest, wanting to escape his body from the sudden pressure of wonder in his head.

The girl nodded, her face showing confusion. But, then, her eyes also widened. A gasp came from her pink lips as she covered her mouth with both hands. "Oh my god. You—Do you think that could, be it? I'm...pregnant?"

"It's a possibility, Em. How long ago did you have sex with him?"

"I don't know, it was like the day before I found out about you and Troye and that was last week."

"Okay, let's go. We're going to the store and buying every single pregnancy test that they offer and you're going to pee on every single damn stick." Connor said, standing up from the bed and throwing a pair of shoes at Emma along with a coat.

Quickly, Emma slipped on shoes and her coat, not bothering to change into nicer clothes than sweats. The two rushed out of the bedroom and towards the front door. But, Laurelle caught them and asked where they were going. Emma made up an excuse that Connor's family got a dog and she really wanted to see it.

After arriving at the store, they filled an entire basket full of pregnancy tests. They were all different brands. Since Emma was going to have to pee more than usual, they grabbed a few water bottles from the freezers. When they went to the cash register, the cashier had a confused and worried look on his face which was understandable. A teen girl and boy buy twenty pregnancy tests? You don't see that every day.

On the way to Connor's house, Emma's knee bounced the entire way. She began to drink one of the water bottles. Anxiety built in her stomach, thoughts raced around in her head. So many questions blossomed. What if she was pregnant? What would she do? One. She only had sex one time and she could possibly be pregnant?

Just as Connor parked in the driveway, Emma put the bag of pregnancy tests into Connor's book bag and carried the water bottles in her hands. They causally strolled into the house, hoping to not bring any attention towards them. When they walked inside, both realized that it was silent. Connor went to the kitchen, noticing a note on the island. Furrowing his eyebrows, he picked it up, reading it. "Well, my family went to my sister's chef thing for school so we have a little while to get the tests done. Come on, upstairs."

Silence filled between them, not speaking a word as they went upstairs. Creaks of their feet stepping of the stairs was the only thing that was heard. Connor led the nervous brown-haired girl to the family bathroom, opening the door for her slowly and turning on the light. He watched Emma slowly walked in the bathroom, her hands shaking as she shut the door behind herself.

He sat on the carpet, leaning his back against the wall across the bathroom. Butterflies raced around in his stomach, wanting to fly into the sky. The tips of his fingers were between his lips, nervously waiting for Emma to take all the pregnancy tests. Suddenly, his phone beeped in his hands. Glancing down, he saw a message from Troye.

white headphone gay

where are you?? i wanted to hang with you :(

where did you and emma go??????

we went to the ice cream parlor, it helped her stomach. now we're just driving around. i'll bring her home soon

don't text and drive babe, i kinda don't want you to die yet

in the parking lot of a store, emma went in to get some gatorade or something idk

i miss youuuu

i miss you toooooo! what do you want to do this weekend?

we could go to a drive in movie

aren't the movies there really old? i don't think i'd like it

who says we would be watching

you did

go to a movie, obviously we would be watching


you really are dude

that was rude. i need something as an apology

i wanna sex!!!!!!!

i got you babe

It seemed like hours later when Emma walked out of the bathroom, her arms crossed over her chest. She broke her chapped lips to speak after being silent for that last hour. "I can't look at them. Can you?"

Nodding, Connor stood up from the floor and walked into the bathroom. He shut the door behind himself and saw that Emma had flipped all the sticks upside down on the counter. He sucked in a breath, beginning to flip all of the sticks over and reading the sign meanings on the back of their boxes.

Once he was done, he opened the door and was greeted by Emma who stood nervously with her hands underneath her armpits. Their eyes locked, Emma's face was a mixture of relief that he was there and of fear.

"Most of them were positive."


I hope you all are feeling good and okay because you deserve it. <33

Thank you for being so kind to me and my works. It truly means a lot to me.

A crazay announcement for you, the lights of my life!! Ive been kinda back and forth with this but I have decided, finally, that once these tronnor stories are over, I will be posting tracob stories!!!!!

I'm getting into the tracob fanfics y'all, I'm soRRY.

Loooove youuuu


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