Balloons *Valentine's One-Shot*

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*Shane's POV*

I could sense him there. That pressure on my chest. I opened my eyes and gazed down at the top of his head, his hair in disarray from sleeping. His head rose and fell with my chest, fingertips grazing the sides of my ribs.

Crossing my fingers he wasn't woken up by the pounding of my heart, I gently shook him

"Joey, wake up, babe," I whispered. He let out a groan of protest, then turned his face towards mine and slowly opened his eyes. They were green, at the moment, and still clouded with sleep. "Happy Valentine's Day, Joey," I said, smiling down at him.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Shaney."

I pecked him on the lips, then sat up.

"C'mon, get up! We have things to do!"

"Like what?" he asked, still lethargic from sleep.

"You'll see," I replied. At that, he finally sat up and slid off the bed. I took him by the wrist and led him downstairs to the basement.

"Why are we in here?" Joey asked, his voice echoing in the dark. I didn't respond, only flipping the switch.

Light flooded the room, revealing countless balloons. Each of them had a note tied to them, and a number.

Joey looked at me, amazed.

"These are some of the reasons I love you," I explained.

Joey went to the balloon with the number one on it and untied the note.
"Number one," he read, "I love your amazingly perfect smile." He took a second to flash that smile in my direction, then moved on to the next ones. All of the balloons had been freed of their notes, except for one. It bore no number.

"Open that note, now," I urged him. He strode to the string, and his fingers deftly untied the knot and unfolded the note.

"'You're practically perfect in every way.' Aw, Shane!" He leaned over and pressed his lips to mine. I kissed him back slowly, taking my time. I could feel him smiling under my lips, but I finally had to pull away.

"One more thing." I drew out a pin and handed it to Joey. "Pop it."

He took the pin, our hands connecting. Not wanting to break our grasp, he switched his hands so he could hold mine with one hand and pop the balloon with the other.

We both gave a little start at the loud pop of the balloon, and I knelt down to pick up the box that had tumbled out. I faced Joey, still on one knee, and opened the box. Inside lay a ring, a perfect, smooth band of silver. He pressed his hands to his mouth and gasped.

"Joseph Michael Graceffa, will you marry me?"

Tears shone from his eyes, and he couldn't get out his words. A quick head nod was all I needed, and I slipped the band on his finger. Joey stared at it in wonder, then at me. Our lips met once again, moving in perfect synchronization.

"Happy Valentine's Day."

A/N Long time no see! Happy Valentine's Day, everyone, and I hope you enjoyed this short little one-shot.
Who's a member of the Lonely Hearts Club this year? I know I am...

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