The day before

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One day before the match.

Miho: I guess everybody still tired after yesterday. Well I guess I'll go look around and see what stalls they have.

Oarai is facing the first ever boys school and the town they are docked in have already began setting up for the match.

Miho: Wow it looks like everyone is excited for this match. But I can't blame them. I'm pretty excited for this match too. Well since I'm here why don't I get something to eat.

Miho walks to a stall and gets some food but right when she leaves the stall she was knocked over.

" Oh, I'm so sorry."

Miho: No it's my fault for looking where I was going.

Miho Looks down and sees her food on the ground.

Miho: Aww.

" I'm terribly sorry."

You stick out your hand.

" Here I'll get you some more."

She grabs your hand.

Miho: No it's fine I swear.

" Please I'll feel bad if I don't make it up to you."

Miho: Are you sure?

" Positive."

You smile at her.

Miho: Well thank you.

" Oh yeah my name is (Y/n)."

Miho: It's nice to meet you. My name is Miho.

" Well it's nice to meet you Miho."

You went to the stall she was at and got her some food. When you get the food you hand it to her.

" Here you go."

She blushes.

Miho: Thank you.

" It's no problem. Hey is it ok if I walk around with you? At least until my friends wake up."

Miho: Sure. I'm kinda just wondering around until my friends wake up too.

You both laugh. The two of you begin to walk around and go to stall to stall. The two of you head to a gaming stall. And Miho was looking at the stuffed animals.

Miho: They are so cute.

That's when you get an idea.

" I think I would like to have a go at this."

You hand the guy the money and take three baseballs. It's a game that you have knock down three pins to win. Of course they are weighted but you feel pretty confident. The first ball you threw the pin went flying. And so does the second and third pin.

Guy: We have a winner.

You point to what you wanted. He hands you a giant teddy bear.

Miho: Wow , I can't believe you won. But why did you chose that.

" Well I saw how you were looking at so I thought I'll get it for you."

She blushes brightly.

Miho: Really. Umm well thank you.

" It's no problem."

You smile at her.

" Well should we continue to looking around."

Miho: Yeah.

She smiles at you. The two of you begin to walk around again. An hour later you get a phone call from your friend.

" (Ok, I'll be there right away.)I'm sorry something came up that I need to take care of."

Miho: It's ok I had fun.

" Me too. I was wondering if I can get your number. So we can maybe hang out again.

She blushes and pulls out her phone.

Miho: Sure.

Y'all exchange numbers and you hand her the teddy bear before waving goodbye.

" I'll see you later."

Miho: Yeah I'll see you later.

You quickly run off.

Miho: (Y/n). Wait how am I going to explain the teddy bear to the girls.

She slowly walks back to where she was staying. When enters the room she was greeted by Yukari.

Yukari: Hey Miho where have you been. And what's with the bear. Don't tell you were on a date.

She smirks a Miho.

Miho: No it wasn't like that.

Miho jumps on her bed and puts her head on her pillow.

Miho: (Y/n).

Miho X Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now