We got in the Jeep and left. We wanted to surprise them so Kai didnt ask for directions she just went off memory.
It took like an hour to do a 20 minutes drive but its whatever.
Kai knocked at the door

Will- *yells from inside* I'll get it!
He opened the door and his face lit up. He looked so happy to see Kai.

Will- What are you two doing heree?

Kai- I forgot some stuff

Will- Yeah you did run upstairs and go get them.
He looked at chest area and licked his lips. She pushed past him and ran upstairs.
Will- Wait? She's going out like that!? Oh no she ain't
He ran upstairs after her. One of the stank girls I saw on snapchat came out.

Lucas- Who is it?

Me- Kaidence and Cassandra.

Lucas- Cassie?

I walked in the room only to see him with the girl on her knees sucking his dick!

Me- Talk about explicit content.
I turned around and shut my eyes tightly I really and truly wanted to cry like I dont think you understand. It hurt me so bad am I just another bitch off his dick?
I held back my tears but my eyes stungg so badly

Lucas- This is embarrassing , Stop it Zaheira.

She stopped and look at me and winked.... ZAHEIRA!?

Me- You? You're the girl who came to....

She nodded proudly. She almost ruined everything .

Zaheira- Yeah thats me

Me- Little bitch.

Zaheira- If you wanna do that talk you wanna fight so whats good bitch.

she stood up and she pushed me.
I grabbed her and started fuckingg her up. I wrapped my hand in her hair and just started punching. Her little friend tried to come and jump on me.
Right on cue Kai ran in and started beating that bitch silly. Lucas tucked his dick back in his pants then pulled me off of Zaheira. Will was holding back Kai who was laughing.

Kai- Look at you bitches crying you look so stupid right now.

Shes trouble , I chuckled.

Lucas- That was uncalled for Cassie wtf

Me- Shut up Luc she asked for it and you know it. Fuck you

Lucas- Who you talking to like that?

Me- You.

I mushed his face and went outside into the car. Im so angry I opened the glove compartment and to my luck I found a fatt blunt ready and rolled just calling my name.

I was thinking about stuff back at home... Wait ur probably wondering what happened with Zaheira basically she came from another country because she used to misbehave alot so she had to live with her birth mother. She was my neighbor. shes the reason I got seperated from my dad. see she claimed he raped her and used to touch on her but he didnt. she claimed he would beat me and my sister up. NONE OF THIS WAS TRUE... At all , so she went home and told her family they didn't believe her at first until one day she hit my little sister , bruised her , showed her parents then they believed it she was just pure evil. The only reason she ever did it was because she was jealous of me and my family . im not even lying you could ask her if you wantedd. But whatever... i think I wanna fight her again now that I think about it. im angry and high.

I eased myself out of the car and walked back to Wills front door, I rang but Kai answered. she looked kinda mad...

Kai- Lets go home before I beat Lucas and his little girlfriends ass *Stops and sniffs* YOO you did that shit with out me thats not cool

Me- *laughs* Im feeling to fuck up somebody so lets go

I said that loud so Zaheira could here coz I saw her lurking in the background. I started to be petty. i pointed at her


Zaheira- Oh. You talking to me?Im ready

I pushed Kai out the way and ran over to Zaheira and I punched her in the face. So hardd. Im kinda tall so it wasnt a problem at all straight up head blows. all this girl was doing was hitting air and pulling my hair. with such little effort she was getting the whoopingg she deserved Now her friend gon try and jump in. Kai was getting held by Will. CAN HE JUST LET HER GO! Her friend is a bigg girl and she got a girl. finally Kai ran out of Wills arms and she pulled the girl by her hair wrapped her fist in it and with her empty hand she started punching. shes like 5'4 and Im like 5'8. Its funny as hell. Im not the one to fight until blood so i let go once i got my point across. She laid there on the floor like some sort of loser. Lucas was comforting her. whatever Im high asf so I need to eat.

Will and Kai were in the corner kissing at this point. Wait wth Wasnt she just fighting... well I guess it was to calm her down. whatever...

They finallg stopped eating each others faces so we left to go get some mcdonalds.

The car journey was lit... i was just rapping for Kai and we were just talking laughing all that good stuff.

Zaheiras POV

I cant lie I got fukked up and so did my girl. But revenge is sweet. Lucas left his phone unlocked so I was going through it and saw a little naughty video of Cassandra... I laughed to myself. Shes gonna wish she never tried me.

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