Choosing Ceremony

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"Are you going to tell me now? Today is the Choosing Ceremony. I'm going to find out eventually."

"Why do you care so much?"

"You're my best friend. I deserve to know."

"Let's just say, I'm going to be jumping off a train when I get there." Edward's face lit up but then immediately paled.

"You're going to..... Dauntless?"

"Yes. I chose the knife."

"I did too....." There's a knock on the door. Edward answers. It's Myra. Edward's girlfriend.

"Hey Edward," she says, kissing him. Then she turns to me and nods.

"Hey Will. You guys ready to go?" We say yes so we go to the bus that takes us to the building where the Choosing Ceremony is held. When we get there, I go stand in between Lily Kameron, a girl from Candor, and Sam Kasey, a boy from my faction, Erudite. This year is Abnegation's year to lead. Someone named Marcus I believe, goes up to the stage. He makes the speech about all the factions and boring things like that. After about 25 minutes, Lily is called up to choose her faction. She chooses Candor, her orginal faction.

"Will Kascen." I walk up shaking. I slowly take the knife and cut into my skin. The blood then drops on the coals and sizzles. I am officially Dauntless.

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