Kinsley, The Wallflower

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Hi, I'm Kinsley. I'm sixteen years old, I just graduated high school, and I love bacon. I have a pretty shitty life, too. And no, I'm not being dramatic, trust me. I'm not one of those "OH EM GEE I GOT A WET SPOT ON MY UGGS KILL MEEEEE" girls.
Well, I guess you'll just have to see for yourself, won't you?
Anyway, have a quick intro into my overly messed up life.
I don't have a mom. If I do, it's news to me because I've never met her. She popped me out and took off as soon as she could, leaving me with my alcoholic father and whatever bitch he brought home every night from the local bar.
So that was a great childhood.
Then when I was twelve, Bitch #27645 ended up knocked up and came to stay with us for nine months. Then she popped out a child who I started out hating, and then fell in love with. That would be my now four year old half-sister, Rachel.
So it was pretty much just me and Rachel against the world. We did have my two best friends, Xander and Zara, though. They're amazing. Weird as hell, but amazing. Wyatt and I also have a pretty wild history, but that's a very wild story for very later on.
Anyway, Wyatt is whining about me hogging the "writing thingy" (he means the laptop), so I'm going to end this chapter here.
Kinsley Adams, logging off.

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