When We Met

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Quentin's POV
Me and Tanner were going to film a video called who knows me better Quentin vs My Girlfriend. I had already met Tanner's girlfriend Brooke, she was really nice and energetic. I heard that when she came over she would be bringing over a friend. I hadn't heard much about Brooke's friend other than that her name was Tatianna. At first when I heard that name is was hard to pronounce. I said "Toddianna?!" And then Tanner was like "No, Quentin it's TA-TEE-ON-UH.". And then I was like "oh ok". A few minutes after that I hear Brooke from downstairs just walk into the house and yell "I'm here!". A few seconds after I hear the front door shut. Then comes the footsteps down the stairs. I'm sitting on the couch as I see Brooke walk in the basement and she says "Hey Quentin, this is my friend Tatianna!". I look up and see the prettiest girl I have ever seen in my life. She was wearing a UofH shirt with leggings and a pair of Nike shoes, with curled hair. She waved at me with a smile and said "Hi Quentin, nice to meet you!" She walked towards me to presumably come shake my hand. Instead she said "I'm a hugger" and gave me a hug. She smelt like flowers, it must've been her perfume. I said like a idiot "Um um Ni-nice to meet ya!". She slightly giggled. I thought to myself, really Quentin you're such an idiot now she'll never like you now. Then Brooke snaps me out of my embarrassment with a question "Where's Tanner?" I tell her that he's in his room. Brooke tells Tatianna she can sit on the couch. Tatianna sits on the couch as I watch Family Guy. We just sit in silence watching Family Guy for a few minutes which is interrupted by a few slight laughters from Tatianna and I because we were laughing at the show. Then Tanner comes out of his room with Brooke and says "Nice to meet you, Tatianna!!" She gets up and shakes his hand. "Why did she shake his hand and give me a hug, when she told me she was a hugger? That's odd. Well maybe she shook his hand because that's her friends boyfriend." I thought to myself. Tanner looks at me and asks "You ready to film Quentin?". "Yessir I am!" I reply. Tanner walks into his room with all the camera equipment set up and me Brooke and Tanner take the couch in his room while Tatianna sits on the bed in the background. The filming starts and Tanner says "what's up guys, I'm back at it again with another video for you guys today! This is going to be a who knows me better challenge my best friend vs my girlfriend. And you might be wondering who this is in the background this is---"I'm Tanners news dog" Tatianna said. We all started laughing because it was so random. " I'm just kidding I'm Brooke's friend, my name is Tatianna but you can call me Tatianna or Tati whichever you prefer.". After she introduced herself Tanner started asking the questions. And before you knew it the challenge was nearly done and we were at a tie. Since Tanner couldn't come up with a Tiebreaker he asked if Tatianna could come up with one. She said "What is Tanner's favorite restaurant?" I knew the answer. Brooke answered IHOP she was wrong it's Taco Bell. Tanner said "Sorry Brooke, but Quentin won. Don't get me wrong I do love IHOP but Taco Bell is just....there is no words.". I got up and said in a childish voice "Haha in your face Brooke!! I won you lose!!". Brooke said while laughing "shut up Quentin!". Tanner got up closer to the camera and said "It ain't my fault!" After that Tanner suggested we go out to eat. Everyone thought that was a great idea so we headed to Taco Bell. We ate inside the fast food restaurant in a booth. Tanner sat next to Brooke so that left me and Tatianna sitting next to each other. Everyone was making small talk and I kept cracking jokes, apparently Tati thought they were hilarious. The whole time I couldn't help but think about how beautiful she was and how funny she was. After we were done eating we got in Tanner's car, with me And Tati in the back and Brooke and Tanner in the front. Tanner said we should all go to the mall tomorrow Tati and Brooke we're down for it so we decided we would do it. I noticed Tatianna was looking at her phone and she kept laughing. I asked her what she was looking at and she said memes. She said "what's your number so I can send you them?". I gave her my number and by then we were already in Tanners driveway and all four of us got out of the car, Brooke said "bye guys!" As she and Tatianna walked to Tatianna's truck. Tatianna looked back at me so I waved and said bye and she waved back and said "I'll text you"
My first chapter of a new book!! i hope you guys enjoyed it, please comment down below what you guys thought about it!!! its the first chapter so it isnt perfect but just stick around and i know it will get better!!! and i just wanted to say thank you to brooke_sh for wanting to be a character in the story I greatly appreciate it. Go read her stories they are amazing!!!

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Mar 17, 2017 ⏰

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Teenage Love///Quentin Mcconathy FanFicOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz