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JJ pocketed Zara's mobile phone "I know it sounds bad but just trust me" Zara nodded "Have you got time for one last coffee?" She looked at the clock and nodded
"Yes but has to be a quick one, I have to check-in in 20 minutes" Kai held his arm out to her and escorted her to the coffee shop. Kai agreed to pay for everyone's drinks whilst Tina and Brandon found some seats. JJ was checking to make sure Zara's phone was indeed off and called Alexander from his phone, to explain why she won't have her phone with her. Zara was looking at a packet of snacks as Kai ordered the cappuccinos for everyone and turned to Zara
"Hey" and tapped her arm "I'm proud of you" Zara hummed
"Thank you, but why?" He leaned to her
"Because you didn't give in to the pressure" he smiled at her and leaned away "I also liked your response to the last question" Zara sighed
"It's all true, but, why did you break up anyway?" She looked up at him, Kai looked at Zara then looked away.
"Because Chelsea told me something that angered me" Zara just blinked "but it's over now and I'm kind of glad I came here" she smiled at him and tilted her head slightly
"Me too" she put her hand on his arm gently. He turned to her
"I wish you just stayed here for the 6 months" she rubbed his arm gently
"I planned to go to Korea before you guys broke up, you did support me, why the sudden change?" He shrugged "besides it's only 6 months so I'll be back in time for our traditional Christmas weekender and I'll stay in touch I promise" he nodded "Dawn gave me a camera so I can send video messages" He chuckled
"Good" the cappuccino's were soon ready and the two friends took the coffees over to the table. Tina told Zara that she's filled in an application to be a red coat at Butlins and Brandon is going for an audition to be in the rock opera CATS. Zara was happy for them, but she turned to Kai
"What will you do?" Kai sighed
"To be honest I might go into teaching Dance, I don't think I could go back on stage" he turned to Zara "But when you get back, I want you to tell me, so I can come join you" Zara laughed when she looked at the time
"Oh crap, I've got to go!" they all stood up and she grabbed her laptop bag and the group followed her. She turned to them and Tina started to cry. Zara quickly hugged her. "Hey, no tears ok" Tina nodded and Brandon put an arm around her
"I'll look after her" and then nodded to Zara "take care of yourself ok" Zara nodded. Kai leaned into JJ
"JJ, can I go last?" JJ nodded and hugged Zara
"Take care of yourself Zara, and keep up your fitness and no fatty foods" Zara laughed
"Ok I promise" Kai took a breath and walked up to Zara
"Zara" she looked him "please be careful and if you need anyone to come out there, call me ok" Zara was a tad confused but guessed he was looking for an excuse to get over Chelsea. He wrapped his arms around her and she returned the gesture "see you soon" the 4 watched as Zara released herself and waved, they saw her eyes were pink but she didn't cry, she bowed to them and as she stood up, she put both hands to her face and blew them a kiss and showed her ticket and passport to security and put her carry on through the check in as she walked through the detector, she was fine and waved as she grabbed her belongings and headed towards the shops. Brandon hugged Tina and the four headed out the airport but Kai tried to get one last glimpse of Zara before he left.

Dawn was sitting in Alexander's office at the ZMG building, Alexander had gone upstairs to speak with the board but that was an hour ago and her phone died half an hour ago, she had taken the wig off for the time being but she was bored. She let out a heavy sigh
"Rough guess, Zara is probably at the duty free by now" she chuckled to herself then she jumped as the door opened
"Sorry Dawn, that took a bit longer to explain" Dawn turned to watch him head to his desk, even though Alexander was the head manager, his office didn't say it, it was very basic, big! But very standard. His window was the size of a 50 inch tv and you could see Parliament and the London Eye very well and clear but they were the size of a football from up at the office "I just had a voicemail from JJ actually, apparently he's suggested that Zara leave her phone behind with him and she should get a new one over there, know anything about that?" Dawn watched him sit behind his desk
"No, sorry. And my phone died" she held up her blank screen Nexus. Alexander leaned on his desk
"Ok there's good news and bad news" Dawn put her phone away
"I'm not going to like this am I?" Alexander shrugged
"Good news is, the board are not angry at Zara and won't terminate her contract" Dawn just stared at Alexander "The bad news" he leaned back "They brought Precious contract with her current label and now own her" Dawn stood up
"What?" Alexander held a hand up
and Dawn sat down
"Oh it gets interesting, I'm to manage her" Dawn was about to stand up again but Alexander just gave her a look to say he was not finished "and if you want, You, JJ, Brandon, Tina and Kai are all welcome to try out to be her dancers" then Alexander smirked at Dawn "However you and the others don't have to" he stood up and took off his jacket "I on the other hand have no choice" Dawn shook her head
"I'm going have to respectfully decline to that request as I have a different engagement to attend" Alexander sat down
"I already know about Brandon and Tina, what's your plan?" Dawn tilted her head
"Same as Brandon's" Alexander nodded
"When was this decided?" Dawn smiled
"When you said try out to be her dancer" she stood up and picked up the wig "I'm not working for a liar like Tiffany, because of her, my best friend has had to leave for 6 months" she put the wig on "now I need to get an application and sort out an audition tape" Alexander pressed a button on his desk phone
"Danielle, you can send in the security for Dawn now" the door opened and the two big security guards walked in "stay in touch Dawn" she just nodded as she headed out. Alexander lifted his laptop up and checked Zara's flight "good she's not on yet" and picked up his desk phone "Danielle, put me through to the front deck of British Airways at Heathrow please"

The boarding area was slowly getting crowded for her flight but the majority were Asian but Zara was reading her phrasebook and finishing her Starbucks off to pay too much attention, she saw some nice things but was worried about her weight restriction to buy anything, she had her head down and was mouthing the words when they called her flight, people flocked to the gate but Zara was in no rush and patiently waited to join the queue, In front; she could just hear what a couple were saying, in Korean, about their holiday
in London and which part of their holiday was the best, the middle aged man liked the London eye but his wife preferred the Tower of London and she didn't realise how bloody London's old rulers were. She chuckled to herself realising she understood every word they said. After 15 minutes it was Zara's turn to hand over her ticket and passport but the cabin crew member seemed to double check her passport. Zara gulped but then the cabin crew member just smiled at her
"Today's your lucky day Miss Morgan, someone rang earlier and requested you be bumped up to business class, it's all been paid for" Zara knew who it was immediately
"Well I ought to thank my benefactor next time we speak" he held his arm out
"This way please Miss Morgan, I shall escort you" Zara followed the cabin crew member and headed down the tunnel whilst thinking that Alexander could get away with it since she can't ring him to complain but wondered why he did it, she did tell him she was going to go economy because it was less suspicious, she shrugged as they turned left and headed into the business class section, her new seat was like a small private cubicle with a reclining chair, she also had her own screen and she didn't have to share. "If you need anything please press your caller button" as she slid her bag off her shoulder, she looked to the caller button he was pointing to. "And I shall attend to you" she smiled at him
"Thank you so much" she sat down and he took her carry-on and put it in her overhead compartment and left. Zara couldn't help but smile at her new seat. She looked at the monitor and saw she could watch films, TVs shows, play games and even listen to the radio but she didn't fancy that, she was going to study again. She wanted to be good at Korean. She waited for the crew to board all passengers and the captain to give his usual comments on the flight, she watched the safety video on the screen and waited for the plane to manoeuvre away from the gate. Soon the plane started to do just that and Zara decided to watch it from the tail camera on her screen. The plane rolled onto the runway and Zara watched as the plane started to speed up. A knot formed in her stomach, she was getting excited and was grinning as the planes wheels left the runway and she mumbled "Goodbye London" and called the cabin crew member.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2017 ⏰

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