A book for a man whore chapter1 (Picture of Carmen)

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  • Dedicated to Shannon, for the names and the ideas

Carmen's P.O.V.  

"This is our last year at Hedley high," said Tara slowly processing this information. Saying anything would just encourage her to keep going, so I just nodded my head. My head was bent but, I bent it a little lower, trying to tune her out. But, I never could for long because she's my best friend and I never heard of someone completely tuning their best friend out.

"Right Minn?" said Tara again, I nodded my head again. We were outside on campus where the benches were. School just started up again and it was beautiful outside. Living in Canada is awesome because Canada is an awesome country but, when it's beautiful, sunny, and warm outside you have to enjoy it while it lasts because, when winter comes your gonna wish it was summer all over again.

"So! I was thinking that we could paint the school or live like hobo's for a week, or-"

"Wait, what?" I said slamming my book (This lullaby) down on the bench that we were sitting at and gave her my full attention. She smiled an evil smile. Oh no. I just sold my soul to the devil.

"Weeellll. You did nod your head when I said that we should do something different this year," she said in a 'matter of fact' way. Once, just once I wish she didn't have a crazy plan up her sleeve. But knowing Tara that would never happen not even, if her life depended on it. At that moment, our other friends came and sat down at our bench.

Tara's boyfriend, Matt sat beside her. He had blonde hair and blue eyes; he always loved sports and knew everything you needed to know about cars. Tara had blonde hair and green eyes. She liked cars but knew nothing about them and hated sports. They were a perfect match (looks and personality wise) being opposites and everything. But, like my dad always said 'opposites do attract.' And he was right. Tara and I were complete opposites. I had tanned skin, warm, light brown eyes and long wavy brown hair. Personality wise, I thought about everything before I did anything. But Tara? She doesn't care if she gets in trouble she'll STILL do it.

She does whatever that pops into her head. But of course, she doesn't do them unless I do it with her. Before I would say no but then, she got smarter with the way she put the words making them SOUND like a good idea. But they never were (I learned that the hard way.)

"Hey Minn," said Leah. She had black hair with blonde streaks in them and had brown eyes.

"Hey. What classes do you have?" I asked getting my schedule out of my back pack. Leah and Carey did the same. Carey was the shortest and we would always tease her about her height. But don't get on her bad side. For a Shorty she can really kick some ass. She had chestnut hair and green eyes.

"We have English with Mr.Nuckler, gym with Mr. Allen and chemistry with Mrs. Prince. I have science with Mrs.Watacu,"said Leah looking from her schedule to Carey's.

"And I have math with Ms.Bitch," said Carey with a horrified look on her face.

"Same. I have the same classes as you and Carey. Crap, Ms.Bitch," I said sighing deeply.

"Oh that sucks," said Hunter, Cole and Adrian at the same time.

Ms.Bitch is the bitchiest teacher at Hedley high. If you don't answer her question in 3 seconds she fails you. Her real name is Ms.Yicker, but we call her Ms.Bitch because she looked like a dog. A pug really, no one ever liked her. Not even her own dog (which was a pug).

"No shit, Sherlock," I said to Hunter. He laughed.

Hunter's my best guy friend with brown hair and very blue eyes. And also the one I lost my virginity to. It wasn't like he forced me to, or anything, I wanted to because I really did trust him. And also, because I knew that we would be best friends no matter what. I stuck my tongue out at him. He laughed even harder.

"Hey guys. What's up?" said Daniel

'Hey," we all said at the same time. Then it happened. I was instantly pissed. Not at my friends but at the slut coming this way.

"Fuck," I said under my breath.

"Double fuck," whispered Hunter.

"Triple fuck," whispered Carey.

"Fuck us all," whispered Adrian.

Coming this way was Tiffany, the sluttiest girl at our school. She was wearing really short, shorts with a low v-neck shirt (you could pretty much see her boobs) with her brown hair and brown eyes. And you can't forget the 4 inch stiletto heels (I mean really? This is school!)

She walked over to our bench and hugged Daniel from behind. "Hey babe," she said when she was facing him. The rest of us got half her ass coming out of her shorts. Ugh.

Zac's P.O.V.  

It's the first day of school. Oh goody, another year of hell. But the girls make it all better. "Zacary Blumenthal, get up or else you're going to be late," said my mother in a firm voice. I wiggled under my blanket. "Shit" I said under my breath when I lifted up my blanket to find myself naked. With a condom still on.  


"Finally you show up!" yelled Mike over all the noise. I walked closer to where he was at the beers. It was the last day of summer vacation so; we went to some junior's house for a party. "Hey man. What's-"

"Hey. I'm Carla, you must be Zac," said a hot chick with blonde hair and blue eyes, cutting me off.

"Zac, this is Carla. The girl I told you about," said Mike pointing to the girl. She moved closer to me and put her hand down my jeans and grabbed my crotch. It felt so good.

I smiled at her and she smiled back. "This is going to be fun," I whispered into her ear. We didn't waste any time at the party. Instead we just went to my place and had sex there.  

*****End of Flashback******

I took the condom off and put it in the nightstand (I'll get it when I get back) and ran as fast as I could to the bathroom. I was surprised that I got to the bathroom and took a shower without being seen. I walked to my room (with a towel around my waist). When I got my shirt on I looked at the time. 8:49. "Shit," I said and grabbed my jeans with only one leg in them and walked out my bedroom door.

Hopping and trying to put on your jeans is something I'm used to doing. But not good at. "Look who's looking yummy today," said my sister in law's younger sister.

"You know you want this," I said in a teasing way. She nodded her head, I turned mine and pulled my jeans up all the way and did up the button and fly. I started for the stairs.

"You know I do," she said and slapped my ass. When she passed me on the stairs I stiffened. She ways totally hot with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. And ya, I'll admit it, we had sex about 3 times. But then she got a boyfriend who is the scariest person on this world. With black hair and eyes that could kill if you looked into them for more than a moment.

She sleeps with other guys all the time but then they get beat up by her boyfriend. If your gonna cheat on your boyfriend at least break up with him first.

"I'm leaving. See ya," I said and started for the door.

"Breakfast and money," my mom said getting in front of the door and handed me the stuff. It was a chocolate chip muffing and 20 bucks. My mom had blonde hair and green eyes. Everyone said I looked like my dad with dark brown hair and silvery blue eyes.

"Thanks mom," I said and she moved out of my way.

When I got to school the parking lot was full. So I had to park on the street. When I got out of my car the bell just rang. I took my time because all we were doing today were introductions and shit. This was going to be some school year.

Thanks for reading!  

And ya I will update my other stories too  

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That's a photo of Carmen.

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