"You're not going to argue about this?" I asked against his lips feeling him unbutton my shirt. I was certain he would argue about being the one who was being marked.

"About the marking?" he breathed, "That would mean stalling. I'd rather we just get to it." He gave an annoyed growl after unbuttoning just two of my buttons and then tugged my shirt apart to rip through the rest of them.

"Right." I chuckled throwing my shirt off my shoulders and lifting my hands to pull his face back to mine. I felt his fingers dig into my arms as he tried to pull me closer than we already were, like it was at all possible as our chests were already pressed together. I wish it was.

Suddenly he shook me. I didn't break our kiss. I felt him shake me again as he broke away and opened my eyes but froze. I was in my seat, my head leaning back against the headrest. My eyes quickly darted around and I felt my heart drop as they met Tamia's that were staring down at me.

"You should have asked Ashton to take over if you were tired, he wouldn't mind. You're clearly in need of some sleep," she said.

My gaze moved away from her again, to the door that was open as she'd probably not closed it after entering and then to the spot of my desk I'd lifted him onto.

No. No. No. Please. Please, no.

The realisation left me dizzy for a few seconds as my throat quickly closed up when I focused on the bond that connected me to Karabo. I looked back up at her feeling shattered. My chest. It felt like something was crushing me. No. It couldn't have been a dream. I lifted my hand to brush my lips before touching my shirt-covered chest. But I felt it. I felt him... How could that just be a dream?

"Eli?" Tamia whispered appearing worried as she began to make her way around my desk. Seeing the way she was staring at me, I lifted my hand to my cheek and felt my fingers brush against something wet.

I drew my hand back from my cheek and saw the water glisten on my fingertips. There was no real moment for me to even comprehend that when a sob suddenly ripped through my chest causing me to bend over and I immediately hid my face from Tamia trying to control myself. I had not cried in a very long time, but now that it had started I couldn't make it stop. I felt my body shake as I tried to force the crying to stop but could not. I could barely breathe through sobbing. My chest felt so suffocating tight. I wasn't sure if I was relieved that Tamia was the one seeing me like that and not one of the other pack members and Ashton or if I hated that I broke down in front of her.

I felt so broken, I just wanted to shift and let my wolf take control of us for a few hours so that I could disappear and not have to feel. That was too dangerous though.

How could a stupid fucking dream hurt so much?

It was not just that, was it? It was the panic that came with what was currently happening to my parents. To everyone. How could they think I could take care of everyone? I had not even been alpha for that long. How was I going to clean the water supply? Even other packs expected us to do it. I felt like having him there would make me calmer, make all of it somewhat clearer when there was one less thing to worry about, but he was gone and it just added to everything right now.

"Eli," Tamia hugged me tightly and I rested my head on her shoulder still unable to stop the stupid tears. My chest still hurt, it hurt more with the crying. Tamia was silent as she rubbed my back.

My crying hitched as my phone rang and Tamia grabbed it from the table. I quickly brushed my eyes. She showed it to me and I saw Danté's name on the screen. I nodded at her to answer it while I wiped the rest of my face and cleared my throat.

"Hey, Danté. Everything okay?" she answered.

"Eli?" the person on the receiving end spoke. I narrowed my eyes, I didn't recognise the voice. "Is he there? Listening? Whatever. You must be looking for me."

Alpha Mates (BoyxBoy)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora