"Thank you all for journeying to our home to help us celebrate the twenty-first anniversary of our daughter's birth. Please enjoy all the food and drink to your contentment. The band that will be playing is the band that has played for all of my events for the past ten years, so I can assure you that they are the best. Enjoy yourselves! This is a celebration!" Hal's deep voice rang throughout the chamber until the crowd clapped and cheered appreciatively. That band took their cue and began to play an upbeat tune that had Skylar's slippered foot tapping along while she waited for the first brave soul to ask her to dance. Hal and Violet sat on either side of her, just watching their crowd. Skylar recognized that they were letting their guests eat and drink and dance before they joined in the party. Skylar surveyed everything, more alert than ever simply because her dragon was so close to the surface. It was locked firmly away in the cage within her head, but it did not like what was going on around her.

Finally, a young man was brave enough to venture up to Skylar. "May I have this dance, My Lady?" he asked. She didn't recognize him but curtsied in a respectful manner. He was cute, in a boyish way, with round cheeks and blond hair. She took his outstretched hand and let him lead her onto the dancefloor, where everyone parted for them.

He was awkward as he placed a hand on her hip and stretched their intertwined hands out to the side. He was breathing heavily and blood had rushed to his cheeks to color them bright pink. Apparently his bravery only went so far as to ask her to dance. She impatiently waited for him to gather his courage. A giggle threatened to escape her throat as she saw him bob his head, counting the beat. He eventually found it and began to try to lead her about the dance floor. Skylar was afraid to distract him from his dancing, but felt as though she should start a conversation.

"I'm Skylar," she offered. Though it was perhaps the most obvious thing she could have said, she couldn't stand the silent dancing.

He glanced away from their feet and up at her face. His eyes were a plain brown, nothing to get excited about. "I know," he answered before looking back down at their feet. Skylar refrained from rolling her eyes and tried to keep her irritation in check.

"And your name is...?" She left the question open ended.

He looked up at her again, but this time his eyes were wide. He seemed surprised that she would even care what his name was.

"My father is Sir Bartholomew," he replied. And his eyes went back to watching their feet. Skylar took a deep breath. Was the young man dense or what? At least she now knew that he was the son of one of her father's knights.

"I do believe I asked for your name," she reminded him in a sweet voice. Again, he seemed shocked that she cared.

"My name is also Bartholomew," he said meekly.

"You're named after your father?"

"After my grandfather."

"You have the same name as your father."

"Yes, he was also named after my grandfather, his father."

"So you were named after both of them?"


Skylar blinked slowly at him. She couldn't tell if he was teasing or not. It didn't appear so, and she wasn't sure what to say to him, so she said nothing. If this was how all of her suitors were going to be, her patience wasn't going to last that long let alone her dragon's.

Eventually another young man ventured up to them and tapped on Bartholomew's shoulder. This young man smiled politely and introduced himself right away as George, the son of Lord Thomas. His eyes remained in contact with hers the entire time they swung around the dancefloor. George knew what he was doing and even made small talk as he spun her around the room. George was eventually replaced by Victor, who was replaced by Carlton, who was interrupted by Frederic, and then Samuel. Loren took the place of Samuel, and then there was Arthur, and Vincent, and Andrew, and Edward, and Benjamin. Eventually the names and faces blurred together and Skylar lost track. She was tired, thirsty, hungry, and her feet ached something awful. But, like any good princess, she remained courteous and acted as though each dance were her first of the evening.

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