Chapter 2. The fresher.

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Jace took hold of the handle and swung the heavy wooden door open. His smile still hadn't faded, his hair was ruffled from rolling around on the floor, and  there remained a single tear still rolling down his face from his hysterical fit of laughter he hadn't quite recovered from. In front of him stood a small red-headed girl with freckles, dotted all over her face. She was surrounded by multiple bags, all of different sizes and a cardboard box lay at her feet half open, the top of a sketchbook peeping through the gap. They both stood there staring at each other, hypnotised by one another. Jace's body blocked the view from the others, Isabelle ducked under his arm - still attached to the door handle - and seized two of her bags up off the floor and opted to barge Jace out of the way on re-entering. The dazed boy stumbled back, but it's as if he didn't even notice, he remained frozen in the presence of her. He processed every detail of her, from the way her curly hair -  dishevelled by the wind -  fell over her back and shoulders, how her wide, emerald green eyes captured the light so well, glistening like stars, even how her baggy t-shirt hung on her small frame. Despite the fact that Alec hadn't exactly warmed to the though of having a new house mate, he too pushed past Jace to take some of her bags, as he turned he stared at Jace standing in front of him, "Do you plan on helping us, or are you going to just stand there, in the way while we do all the work?" he held a very stern tone, refusing to move until he was given some response from the googly eyed boy, blocking the doorway. "Oh... erm yes... I was just about to.... yes", he stepped to the side letting Alec back into the apartment. He reached down and took the remaining bags, leaving her with just the cardboard box that still lay at her feet. He held the door open with his body and directed her to her room.

He placed the bags he was still holing onto the bed with great care before turning to hold the door open as the new, mysterious girl struggled to get through whilst carrying her cardboard box. She delicately placed the box at the foot of her bed then turned round to see her new, blonde haired house-mate still standing in the doorway staring at her,  wide eyes and motionless. Jace was clearly caught off guard as he hastily tried to look away, which if anything, only  made the fact he was staring even more obvious. A small smile crept across her face, and almost like a mirror he copied her. The two of them stood there smiling at each other aimlessly, as if hypnotised by one another. "Clary!" said the girl, breaking the silence, reaching out her hand with the smile still firmly planted on her face. Jace hesitated, realising he wasn't really paying attention to what she had said, he looked around slightly panicky. The girl could quite clearly understand what had happened and repeated herself, "Clary, my name's Clary." she repeated with her arm still outstretched, and her smile still present. "Oh, right of course, Jace... Jace... Lightwood." he replied, as he took her hand.

-Sorry this bit's a bit shorter than the last, I'll add more soon though!:)

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