"No, he only wanted to buried William." Selene told her. Rosalind's heart dropped and tears pooled in her eyes. "I'm so sorry, Rosalind."

Cassandra touched her shoulder trying to soothe her. Rosalind quickly wiped her tears away.

"I'm sorry," She whispered.

"It is all right," Selene cooed.

A commotion could be heard down the hall. A lock rattled and the door swung open. Rosalind could hear the booming sounds of men's voices and laughter. Selene, Cassandra, and Rosalind rise to greet the men joining them.

"Rosalind!" She heard Silas exclaim. Jasper and Silas pulled her into hug. The men joined them in the cramped sitting room, lightening the mood significantly. Jasper jokingly pleaded with Rosalind never to punch him--that earned its fair share of laughs. Silas was quiet--Rosalind could feel his eyes on her. A light sweat had broken out on her forehead, from the increasing heat of the room.

"Let me take your coat from you Rosalind." Silas insisted.

"No, it is quite all right, I'll keep it on." Rosalind stuttered wanting to keep her secret just a tad longer.

"Don't be absurd--it has gotten awfully warm!" Cassandra told her.

"Believe me, I am quite chilled--"

"Rosie, you're burning up." Cassandra said softly.

"I'm fine!" Rosalind said rather harshly. A silence fell on the room which instantly made her feel guilty. "I'm sorry."

"No, it is all right. Say, Rosalind, would you like to take a short walk?" Silas offered. Rosalind nodded gratefully. He helped from her chair and guided her to the front door. She breathed in a deep breath trying to calm her anxiety. Silas lightly touched the small of her back leading her out of the doorway into the day time. He looped his arm through hers; her other hand holding the cloak tightly.

"We are very glad to see you," Silas told her as they walked.

"I am very glad to be here." Rosalind said.

"What made you come? If you don't mind me asking." She could feel his eyes on her.

"My aunt was trying to marry me off." She told him frankly. "I just couldn't stand it anymore--my brother, my old home, thoughts about my father, thoughts about Will-- it just became too much. I just wanted to be where all of you were."

"I understand."

The two of them walked through the streets of a city foreign to Rosalind. For the first time in a long time she felt the sun warm her face and a light breeze brush past her. She could be happy here--her child could be happy here.

"Where is he buried?" Rosalind asked, not being able to stop the question from coming out of her mouth.

"There was a large oak tree next to the lake--he used to read out there in the summers. I made sure he could be near his favorite place." Silas said softly, sadness slipping into his voice.

"Good," Rosalind replied numbly.

"He really did love you, you know?"

"I know." Rosalind said with certainty. "And I love him."

They walked further down the street. Rosalind could hear the bustling sounds of the city. Surely there were tons of places that she could explore here. Perhaps once the baby was born she could take up some form of work--she was good at cleaning if someone told her exactly where or what was to be cleaned. Her mind drifted; someday she would bring her child to that oak tree so that he or she could meet their father. The child wouldn't understand, not until later.

Winter's Rose ~A Beauty and the Beast Retelling~Where stories live. Discover now