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Bold - Kendra
Normal - Ethan
Hello Ethan are you there?

Hey Love what's up?

Not much just home watching tv but I think we should talk....


....yeah sure what do you want to talk about?

The wedding...look I-i don't think I'm ready for this Ethan

Well if you aren't ready yet we can push it back a li-

No I mean I don't feel like we should get married I don't think it's right....


Look I do love you and everything but...I think you should be with Jen Ethan and you know it

What do you mean Kendra?

It's been Jennifer from the beginning before you and me before you and Macy no matter what,she was there when your family got into arguments,she was there when you got hate,your break up with Macy, everything it's always been Jennifer...everyone sees it and deep down you know it Ethan

Yeah....your right Kendra it's always been her I've just been to blind to see it

Now your going to go to her house,tell her how you feel and then get married

Well getting married is too early so...

Shut up and take my word for it before I come over and smack you

Okay okay no need to get violent

Shut up Ethan....

Kendra I'm letting you keep the dog and car I got you I wouldn't take them away from you ever

Are you sure Ethan? Because well what about the house we live in as well?

You can keep it I have four other houses anyways

You're not playing fair Ethan we're supposed to be one of those people who try to get custody over the dog,car,and house

Oh sure okay let's go to court for three weeks about joint custody over something small

You know I'm kidding moron....but I have one more thing to say to you

What is it?

Don't hurt Jennifer alright you love her and I'd hate to see you guys not be together

I promise Kendra

Call ended

The other Kardashian brother (a Jennifer Lawrence love story)Where stories live. Discover now