Dèja Vû

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Normani's pov

"Mom! Can I have another waffle please?" My son asks me, giving me a small pout. I smiled at him before turning around to put another chocolate chip waffle in the toaster.

"Sure, baby" I replied back to him.

"Thanks mama!" My seven year old son exclaimed and hugged my legs before running off to finish getting ready for school.

We were just starting to get used to this new schedule, but things were still a bit tough since the move here.

Houston, Texas

A beautiful place, beautiful city, and beautiful state. My son, Daniel and I moved here from Atlanta almost a month ago. I could already tell that I would enjoy raising my son here.

It was my decision to move here because I wanted to be close to family. Also because my parents offered to help out with Daniel while I work. At that, I gladly jumped on a plane to Texas and we've been living here ever since.

My mother made sure I had a place to stay, a car to drive around in, and even a few hundred dollars to help get things started while Daniel and I are here. The only thing I had to do was make sure I found a job, and also a good school that my son could attend.

It's stressful being a single parent, but I don't complain about it. I don't cry about it as much anymore either. I try to leave the past in the past, but that becomes difficult when your son grows up without another parental figure.

He would always ask me, "Mommy why don't I have a daddy? ", and my answer would always be, "You've never had a daddy, baby boy." He would just respond with a small, okay and go on about his business.

Everything was okay after that because he got tired of receiving that same answer each time. We were fine whenever his school would have son-father events because he never wanted to go. We were okay whenever we would sit on the couch and watch a movie, and he would see a little boy or girl on the screen, receiving a kiss on the forehead after a bedtime story by both of their parents.

Daniel just never asked again, that is until his fifth birthday came around. One of his friends came up to him with a baseball kit. The little boy told Daniel that he and his father play baseball together all of the time, and that Daniel and his father should too.

Later that night, Daniel laid under the toy story blanket, wide awake because his mind was running wild. He had questions, and he wanted me to answer them honestly.....So I did.

"Mama, why dont I have a daddy?" He asked.

"You've never had a daddy baby boy." I answered, just as I always did. But this time, this time he looked me straight in my eyes and asked the questions I was terrified of.

"Why? Where is he?" Daniel asked innocently, his eyes resembled hers and his lips stuck out in the pouty way that hers always did. My son was the spitting image of her. Everytime I looked at him, I saw certain memories of her and I together. It was like I was reliving out past when I looked into his eyes. I didn't want that though.

"You n-never had a daddy because..." My words got stuck in the middle of my throat as I fought back tears. "...You have two mothers, but your other mama left before you were born." I sniffled and wiped away my fallen tears.

His mouth opened and before he could ask another question, I gave him a peck on the forehead and turned off his lamp. "Goodnight baby boy"

And that was all that was said about the situation. I don't even think he remembers that because he never asked about her, or why he had two mothers.

DÈJÀ VÛ  ~Norminah~Where stories live. Discover now