Guilt And Rage

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AAAAAAAAAAAAND here comes your gift for being such faithful readers! A chain update! Hope you enjoy these chapters because I doubt I'd get any free time until the end of the semester somewhere in May... On the other hand, Game of Thrones Season 7 is coming out in July soooo yaaaaaaay!! Can't wait to see Dany raid Westeros! And Samurai Jack is Back and there's gonna be a Captain Underpants movie!!!! My childhood is returning to me! But I digress- back to the story...

Akeela lay in a bundle, sobbing in Kayla's arms, where Raina had left her. Kayla run her hands through Akeela's dark hair, whispering comforting things to Akeela's ear.

"W-why was mistress so angry with me?" Akeela sobbed. "I-I don't remember doing anything w-wrong!"

"I've never seen Mistress Raina like that before," Kayla agreed. "It must have been because of Mistress Berdine."

"What about M-mistress Berdine?" Akeela sniffled.

"You didn't see her," Kayla asked.

"No, Kayla," Akeela rolled her eyes, immediately regretting doing so because of the sharp pain it brought her. "I guess I was too busy getting beaten to death."

"Oh right. Sorry," Kayla apologized. "Anyway, I'm glad you didn't see her. I don't know what Lord Rahl did to her in there but it must have been really brutal to drive Mistress Raina mad- not that she wasn't mad before."

"Y-you saw her then," Akeela asked. "Mistress Berdine, I mean."

"I caught a glimpse of her," Kayla shrugged. "Mistress Dahlia went to visit her see, and she took me along. Unfortunately, she asked me to wait outside Mistress Berdine's room so I only saw Mistress Berdine when the door was opened."

"How... H-how is she?" Akeela asked tentatively, trying to ignore her own pain.

"She's really beat up," Kayla replied. "From what I heard, she can neither talk nor walk. She isn't eating either and she'll only open her eyes when Mistress Raina was around. She doesn't cry though. She's a Mord-Sith; she's too proud to cry, but Mistress Dahlia says she trembles a lot."

Akeela felt her own body trembling involuntarily as a result of Mistress Raina's rage; she could only imagine what Berdine could be going through. What could Lord Rahl have done to Berdine that could have broken her like that? Just how much pain could he have inflicted on her to render her paralyzed and mute in spite of her extraordinary Mord-Sith resilience?

As if in response to her question Kayla said, "I heard he started torturing her when Mistress Raina started breaking you. He'd torture her day and night, never giving her a break. And when he got tired, he'd call Mistress Raina and ask her to continue. I can only imagine what that must have done to her." Kayla sighed and kept stroking Akeela's hair.

"I heard Lord Rahl broke all of Mistress Berdine's bones, only to heal them and break them all over again. Every day he would do this, counting her bones as he broke them, keeping her alive with his magic. And then I heard that he made Mistress Raina watch as he..."

Kayla stopped talking; she didn't need to continue. Akeela already knew what she was going to say.

"I know she hurt you a lot today, but you must understand her. If it weren't for you, Lord Rahl would never have hurt Mistress Berdine. I'll admit, when I'd heard what you had done, back when i hadn't met you, I really hated you."

"B-but I don't even remember doing anything!" Akeela cried. "I don't even know what I d-,"

She choked on the last word and succumbed to a series of bloody coughs.

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