The Seer

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Oy!!!! I am sooooooo sorry!!! I haven't gotten time to update because frankly I've had none. I have been bombarded with all manner of assignment and I haven't been sleeping much. I have managed to type a chapter but I doubt I can do that again over the course of the semester so unfortunately there will be no updates until December. I am truly sorry once again. In the mean time however, you may choose to read some of my other stories if you find them interesting.
I hope you enjoy this chapter; see you in December♥♥♥
PS- if you have any tips for passing second year in architecture please tell me. I am dying here


"Lord Rahl, the cup of water you requested," Dahlia announced when she re-entered the dungeon.

Rahl took the cup from her and handed it to Akeela, who gripped it with shaky hands.

"Slowly," Rahl warned as Akeela lifted the cup to her lips, greedily gulping the refreshing liquid.

When Akeela had emptied the cup, Rahl asked, "Do you remember your name?"

"It's Akeela," Akeela whispered. "Or at least that's what you people keep calling me."

It was also what David had called her in that terrible dream.

"What do you remember Akeela? Do you remember how you got here?" Rahl asked.

Akeela scrunched up her face in concentration but all that she could recall was a beautiful dark-haired girl clothed in deep-red leather, her face covered in droplets of blood.

"My mistress," Akeela replied. "I remember my mistress."

To her right, Akeela heard Cara let out a frustrated sigh.

"You may have healed her physically, but Raina's strike has damaged her memory," Dahlia concluded. "The girl is useless to you now, Lord Rahl."

Lord Rahl held up a hand to silence her.

"Do you know what this is?" Rahl asked Akeela, stretching out his right hand to her. In it was clutched a very familiar circular trinket.

"That's my pendant!" Akeela gasped, taking it from Lord Rahl and examining it. "It's how I got here!"

Akeela knew from her dream that the pendant hadn't worked the first time she had tried it but she dimly remembered unconsciously triggering its magic one night. It had taken her from a warm comfy room and damped her in a forest and then pain had exploded in her shoulder.

Akeela snapped her head up and looked at Cara, her blue eyes now more familiar than ever.

"It was you!" Akeela gasped. "You attacked me with the deathstick!"

Cara had worn red leather then but Akeela was sure it had been her.

"Deathstick?" Rahl inquired.

"She means the Agiel," Cara said, rolling her eyes.

"So it's true, isn't it?" Akeela asked, breathing hard. "You attacked me?"

"Of course I did," Cara said, matter-of-factly. "You were a threat to Lord Rahl."

"Lord Rahl?" Akeela asked, confused. "I thought he was Lord Rahl."

"I am," the dark-haired man said. "Cara here was referring to my poser of a brother. A villainous fool who wields what he thinks is a magic sword and goes by the name Seeker."

Akeela had a fleeting image of brown-haired young man with unbelievably dark eyes and a large sword sheathed in the scabbard around his waist.

"I-I think I saw him. Right before she attacked me," Akeela said, looking accusingly at Cara.

Broken: A Legend Of The Seeker FanficWhere stories live. Discover now