6. Another Day

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Chapter 6.
Another Day


September 3rd

I hastily shovelled the piles of corn flakes in front of me into my mouth. I was sitting around the crowded Slytherin table for breakfast along with my friends. It was nearing the end of breakfast time and the clock was inches away from first period, 9am.

I had Care of Magical Creatures first, which I was ecstatic for. I loved Care of Magical Creatures, it was my second favourite subject which was obviously Defence Against the Dark Arts. I loved Care of Magical Creatures as much as Potions. Those were my favourite subjects, along with astronomy. I really just loved every class at Hogwarts.

"You ready Prim?" Phil asked, mumbling as his mouth was stuffed with slices of toast.

"Yeah, maybe when you finish that toast you'll be as well," I chuckled standing up as I slung my backpack over one shoulder lazily.

"I'm ready now," Phil blushed as Dan teased him continuously.

Phil and I sauntered off down the castle, towards Hagrids hut where the lessons took place.
Hagird was a fun, loving character although he was noticeably scared of my dad, which made him scared of me.

A group of fifth years, Phil and I included, clustered around Hagrid as he clasped his hands over his large stomach.

"Alright, well we're going to dive straight into this class and begin the first double period with an important lessons on Thestrals." Hagrid nodded along as he spoke.

I glanced around the small class, included there was Phil, myself, Luna Lovegood, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, Chi Chang, Hermoine Granger, Cedric Diggory and Malfoy. It wasn't a bad class if I'm honest, and I didn't mind most of them. Although I felt desperately sorry for Hermoine as I knew her being the only Gryffindor and her blood type would attract Malfoy and his gangs attention. They would endlessly bully her, they probably would do it to me to if I wasn't a Slytherin and Severus's daughter.

"Alright so let's get hiking towards the woods!" Hagrid beamed as he effortlessly slung a large sack over his shoulders, we all followed him towards the Forbidden Forest.


"Okay, so those who have witnessed a death stand next to that tree over there." Hagrid pointed his stubby finger towards a lumpy tree.

I swallowed nervously and trudged over, along with Hermoine, Malfoy and Luna.

When I was younger, I witnessed my mother dying of cancer. Even my dad wasn't able to cure it, that's how bad it was. I didn't talk about it much, and probably never will.

"Okay, uh, I was kinda hoping you all would've... but we can change things up a bit!" Hagrid reassured us as he began making up a new lesson plan. "So you guys, the ones who haven't seen a death, won't be able to see the Thestrals, so I'll just have to explain and describe them with you guys. You four, coincidentally I have two Thestrals, if you please split up into pairs and I'll deal with you in a short second." Hagrid finished as he turned to the others.

"Luna? Wanna partner up with me?" Hermoine asked a bit too eagerly as she noticed Malfoy and I were the only other options.

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