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When I was 6, my father found my mom and I. He wanted a second chance at a family, the family he started, then left behind.

He was kind to my new little sister and I, treating us like princesses. He took care of us, kept us safe and out of harms way. He bought me my first twirling baton, then my first clarinet. He taught me how to play the instrument he loved so much, and how to twirl the baton like my mom.

He got me a bike for my 7th birthday, only 2 months after he showed up. The man who had been absent my entire life was starting to feel like the father I had always wanted.

On my 8th birthday, I woke to find him gone. My mom wasn't surprised. She expected it.

I didn't.

I cried for days over him. I had finally gotten a father, then, just as quickly, I didn't have him anymore.

A few years later, when I was ten, my mom went on a business trip. My sister was staying at friend's house, so I was home alone.

It was getting late, so I got in the bath before I fell asleep. What I didn't know was my father had planned to come over for a visit that night. A visit I wouldn't soon forget.

The man I had come to trust and love more than anyone else hurt me in such a way, words cannot describe. I was lost for a long time after his visit. When I finally came back, I was very different. After that day, I forgot how to trust, how to care.

I forgot how to be alive.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2015 ⏰

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