Chapter One

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"Miss Winters..." The man who introduced himself as Agent Grant Hastings has a seat beside the hospital bed on which I lie. Leaning forward in the chair, he says, "I understand that this is really hard for you, but the information you have is very important. You can help us help you and prevent other girls from being put into the same situation."

I don't respond, but continue to stare off into space, looking at nothing really. Nothing except the wall outside the door and across the hallway.

"Do you mind if I call you Bailey?"

I still don't answer. I can't tell him anything. Rahul has eyes everywhere, and I have no doubt he would find out about any leaked information, especially if it came from me. None of the guys I lived with liked me at all, and wouldn't think twice before snitching on me for the slightest thing I did that they knew Rahul wouldn't like.

A man suddenly appears in the doorway, blocking my view of outside the room. "Agent Hastings."

Rising to his feet, Grant replies, "Yes, sir?"

"A word, please."

"Yes, sir."

Nurse Ashlynn puts a hand on my leg, causing me to flinch and scoot away. I don't get too far, though, without remembering how awfully my leg hurts. She looks at me sadly, her head tilted, her eyes soft. "Words cannot describe how sorry I am, Bailey, about everything that has happened to you and your family."

My family? I don't even remember exactly what they look like. I can't picture their facial features as well as I'd like to, and I don't remember their voices at all. Back when I could remember, I'd pretend my parents were with me, tucking me into bed and telling me how much they love me... how they would never end their search for me... how they would never give up. That was every night for the first year I lived with Rahul and his men. Then... I just gave up. I wonder what they're doing right this moment.

The room's door opens again, and Grant pokes his head in. The image of him looking into the closet at Rahul's house comes back to me, and with it comes the fear I felt in that very moment. My eyes fill with the tears that I've been trying to fight for a while, and suddenly it feels as if I can't fill my lungs with enough air... as if Rahul's hands are around my throat again, choking me until I beg to be released. For the first few years, I would plead with my voice, but recently it's been with tears.

"Bailey..." Grant begins, taking his seat beside me once again. "There's something I've been asked to share with you. Unfortunately, it apparently can't wait." I don't miss the look he throws to the man he calls 'sir' who still stands in the doorway. "Surely this can wait, sir?"

"There's never a good time to share bad news, son."

Grant nods slowly, and there's sadness in his eyes when he looks into mine. I'd expect a federal agent to show no emotions, but especially not in front of someone in a situation like mine. Shaking his head, he says to 'sir', "You're forever giving me the most difficult tasks."

The man disappears from my view, leaving me alone with Grant and the nurse.

"Agent Hastings, I'm sorry to have to rush you yet again," Nurse Ashlynn says, "but I'll need to ask Miss Winters a few questions, and I'm sure she'd prefer if I asked them without a male present."

"Yes, of course. I understand." Lowering his eyes from the nurse's to mine, he says softly, "There's no way to say this and make it sound any better than it is, and I'm very, very sorry to tell you this, and especially so early, but my director believes it would be best to not delay... Bailey, we couldn't find any living family members for you to live with..."


All of a sudden, nausea threatens to overtake me as understanding sinks in. I have no one to go to... no place to call home. Rahul really meant what he said when he promised to send men out to kill my family. I refused to believe it; I'd fallen into denial that he really could so such a thing, even if he wanted to.

And he did.

A tear rolls down my cheek, and then another follows. I look down, allowing my hair to fall around the sides of my face to hide it while I cry. Not one sound escapes my lips. Rahul put me through a rigorous training process because he hated to hear me cry. He'd always say, "Tears should be seen and never heard." It confused me for a while because he clearly loves to see the pain of others. But now I know that even though he liked to see me crying, he preferred that I'd done so quietly in preparation for a rescue attempt. It would be less likely for someone to find me if I hid quietly.

"My family and I will be more than happy to provide a place for you to stay," Grant continues. "We've taken the many possibilities of Rahul's plans into consideration, and believe that moving around is the safest option."

"You mean he escaped?" Nurse Ashlynn asks incredulously. I glance over at Grant and catch his nod.

"Yes. I'm afraid he did. But don't worry, Bailey. Every effort will be made to keep you safe."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2017 ⏰

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