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Usually Elysium went on for about six hours, such a long event.

Like what the hell are you suppose to do in that time period?

Dancing gets tiring after ten minutes and we have to interact with the different feys from the Realms to show that we are all "alliances."

And that gets old really quick, theres so much you could talk about with complete strangers.

Thats shy I'm always amazed on how Ke could keep up a conversation.

After a couple of dances, I needed fresh air.

I walk out of the ice glass doors of the ballroom and to the corrider balcony over-looking the Winter kingdom.

I almost forgot we were in the Winter Realm. The weather is so cold here.

I rub my arms for warmth as I stood over the balcony and took a deep breath of the cold air.

My father use to live here. He is the former Prince of this Realm. Its hard to believe he is the son of the Unseelie Queen, he is nothing like the cold hearted feys that live here.

He is kind and would do anything to protect us and keep us safe, he is a loving father and husband and King.

Living here must be hard, the Winter Queen is heartless.

She kidnaps mortals for fun and freezes them into creatures.

I've sneaked into this palace many times and seen what she has done.

Sometimes I would break into her palace and release the humans she has stolen back to the mortal world.

"Thinking hard about something, huh, Iron Princess?" I hear a voice behind me.

I turn around quickly, dagger from my knee sheath already in my hand.

"Whoa Whoa!" The bleach blonde hair guy say, hands in the air. "Summer Fey, Prince Lexus."

I slowly put down the dagger from his throat.

Paranoia running through my blood quickly, making my heart race.

"Who are you? And what do you want?" I ask.

"I'm pretty sure I just explained who I am before you nearly stabbed me," The Prince say.

I could hear in his voice he is use to girls falling for him.

Theres that arrogant confident feeling.

"Well don't sneak up on me like that then----" I start.

"Why do you have weapons on you? You're safe at Elysium," He say casually.

Itching closer to me near the balcony.

"You can never be too careful at the Winter Realm," I said stepping away from him. "Anything can happen."

"Wow, so what they say is true. You really are a prodigy," He say.

"Is there something you needed, Prince?" I ask annoyed already.

"A dance," He say. "You've danced with every other Royal except for me."

"I've danced enough for today," I say. "You missed your turn, maybe the next Elysium."

And I left on my feet back to party.

"Where have you been?" Ron ask as I stepped into the ball again.

We were making our way towards Ke and a Winter Royal.

"I needed some air and a Summer Prince was holding me up. Asking for a dance," I say.

The Iron PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now