Let's Begin

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No ones POV
Now,(y/n) was in his room. "Sorry but do you mind telling me your name? I dont think you told me that." You said filled with curiosity. "Oh! My name is Ayato Sakamaki. As for today, you must call me Yours Truely" the boy said with a smirk on his face. You showed him a blank face since you don't know why he wanted you to call him that.

Your POV
Yours Truely? I thought to myself. Well,this guy must be very weird. I just shrugged it off and asked him why they got so shocked. "So, what was my past? Why did all of you get shocked just by looking at me?" "This is the story...."

"Ayato-kun!!" Wait up! You said while chasing him. "Just keep running!" You followed as he said that. But then you stopped after looking at a pit which was right in front of you. Ayato was no where to be found at that time. "Ayato-kun? T-this isn't funny!" You were 5 years old that time so of course you would feel scared being alone. (Y/n) looked at the bottom of the pit and saw nothing. Not even the bottom. She bent down to take a good look until somehow, she tripped and nearly fell in (i know its clearly not logic but just pretend she nearly fell) Before she did, Ayato grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close. "Do you want to end up being dead?!" "No! I was just curious..." "You shouldnt have done that! What happens if you died?! I dont want you to end up dead! Now lets go!" Ayato pulled your wrist and brought you back to the mansion. You saw your parents waiting for you in front of the gate. "Hows our little girl? Did you have fun today?" Said the women with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes. You nodded to your mother while smiling sweetly. Ayato blushed after seeing your beautiful smile. "Ayato? Are you sick? Youre getting red." "Eh?? N-no! Dont accuse Yours Truely with such things!" You giggled which made him blush more. He stomped away with his hand covering his face.

-time skip on the way home-
You were sitting on the passenger seat while eating some cookies. It was raining cats and dogs at that time and not to mention, it was quite dark as well. A few minutes on the way home until....


An accident happened. All you remembered was hearing someone shouting for help then your eyes got heavier and you passed out. The next day, you woke up at a hospital and saw a doctor talking to a nurse. You couldn't help but to hear their conversation.

"Doctor, I'm afraid this child is now an orphan. Both her parents died due to internal bleeding. She is an only child and has no other relatives" the nurse said showing a sad face to the doctor.

"She will be placed at an orphanage until someone will adopt her. We must not tell her this until she wakes up" after saying that, the nurse looked behind the doctor in shocked to see you standing there and listening to their conversation.

"Where's mother and father? Will they come and fetch me?" You said trying to hold back your tears and looking down.

-time skip due to ma laziness-

After Ayato told you the whole story, your eyes started to tear up and you clenched your fists. Ayato looked at you in a pitiful way. Your (e/c) eyes looking at his green ones. As he leaned closer to you, you did the same. Your lips were inches away from each other. Then, Laito teleported in Ayato's room....

"What are you both planning eh?~ May I join?~" he said while giving both of them a smirk. "Don't touch what belongs to Yours Truely!" "Awww~ Why can't we share her?~"

While they were fighting over you, they didn't notice that you went out. You went downstairs and bumped onto someone. "G-gomen..." you said while bowing your head. All you heard was "tsk" and nothing more. You went outside and walked around knowing that there was nothing to do in the giant dusty mansion. Reiji appeared in front of you bringing some news. You can tell by the way he looked at you. You just stared at him with a blank face. "You'll start going to school next week. So, be prepared" after saying that, you didn't have a chance to ask him any questions. You were still standing there when suddenly a pair of hands wrap around your waist making you gasped. You already knew who it was or thats what you thought. In curiosity, you turned to face that person and it was.... not Ayato but Laito. Yes....the pervert got ya'.

"What are you doing here alone Little Bitch?~"

"I wanted to take a walk for awhile.... is there something you want Laito-kun?"

"Well Little Bitch~ Let me think what I want from you~"

Then suddenly, Ayato appeared behind you and disappeared along with you.

"Dammit! I was close to getting her!"

"Did he do anything to you? Did he bite you? What did he do?" Ayato asked with the look of panic on his face. "He..... didn't do anything to me. What makes you so worried?" You tilted your head. "I don't want him taking what belongs to Yours Truly." You're face begins to show a little flash of red. Ayato noticed and smirk. "What's with the smirk Ayato-kun?" You asked. "Well, maybe I'm just- Ayato got cut off by someone calling him. "Ayato!"
"Ugh.... We'll continue this later (y/n)-chan..." and with that he disappeared. When he left, you decided to walk around the halls. After a few minutes, you got lost.

Your POV
"Great" I murmured to myself. How am i suppose to get my way back? Should I go here? No no... maybe..... here? Uhh.... maybe..... dammit.... after trying to think where to go, i got approached by a boy holding a teddy bear. If I'm not mistaken, that must be Kanato-kun. "Oh look teddy,(y/n)-Chan seems lost" "wow.... it's really that obvious huh?" Kanato then nodded at me after I asked him that. "Would you like to join me for a tea party (y/n)?" Tea party? I thought to myself for awhile until I decided to agree. "Of course!" I gave a warm smile after saying that. Kanato returned the smile and told me to follow him. I did what I was told to.

No ones POV
"Please sit down (y/n)-Chan" Kanato said while pointing at one of the seats. (Y/n) nodded and sat down. Kanato prepared the tea and cookies. After doing that, he sat down and poured some tea in (y/n)'s cup. As she sipped the tea, Kanato did the same. Her (e/c) eyes sparkled after tasting the tea. It's been long since she tasted something this sweet. "D-do you like it (y/n)-Chan?" You nodded as a reply. Kanato smiled at you and you did the same to him. "You heard that teddy? (Y/n) likes the tea so much" you smiled softly after hearing him say that. Kanato had a little flash of red after looking at your smile. "Kanato? Are you......ok?" You waved your hand in front of his face. He held your hand and looked at you. "K-Kanato-kun?" "(Y/n)-Chan.... Your blood smells...... sweet" "M-my- you were cut off by Kanato digging his fangs in your hand. Your eyes widened in shock and a tear rolled down your cheek. As soon as Kanato got his fangs out, you looked at the part where he bit. He then kissed your hand. "Your blood tastes sweeter than I thought" all you did was look at him in shocked. You stood up and ran out. Ayato appeared in front of you and noticed you were crying. "(Y-y/n)? What happened? Why are you crying?" You only looked at him with tears filling your eyes and ran inside your room. You locked the door and cried again until your eyes started to get heavier and you fell asleep.

I know it's boring. But this is only chapter 2. Just be patient bruh. Anyways, hope you like it.

About the flashback, I skipped it cuz ma fingers are gonna burn here is the short form of it:

You and Ayato were close friends. You visit the Sakamaki mansion alot when you were young. Until an accident happened which made your parents lose their life and you to lose your memories. You got adopted by a wealthy family and they made you a slave. You worked day and night nonstop. The Sakamaki brothers found where you were living and decided to invite you to stay with them.

Dat ish allllll!! Byeeee.

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