Chap5-Sleepover P.2

Start from the beginning

We swam in silence for a sec until I spoke. "I'm sorry you got drug into this..." He chuckled.

"It's totally cool. I was hoping we could spend time alone together so we could get to know each other better. I just didn't expect you to be wearing your...birthday suit. I'm not unhappy about it though." He mumbled the last sentence inaudibly, so i couldn't hear it. Although I did and I giggled a little, making him hide his blush underwater. "So! What do you want to know about me drakie-poo!"

"One don't call me that, love! And two what are your 2 favorite colors?"

"One don't call me love unless we are dating. Two navy blue and turquoise. What about yours?"

"Slytherin green and navy blue as well."

"Typical. Alright my turn. What's your 3 favorite muggle songs, if you even have one? I know how you are about muggles and mudblo-"

"DON'T YOU DARE SAY IT!" I slumped down in the water when he yelled. I've always had a secret fear of yelling.

Draco noticed my change in mood and looked down at the water, feeling bad that he yelled. "I'm sorry...I just hate that word. Hate that I was forced to use it on you when we were younger. I'm really sorry. For calling you it and then yelling at you." I didn't know what to say. I was incredibly shocked.

"Thank you...for apologizing, Draco." He smiled slightly. Even though it wasn't a real smile, it was still cute.

"You're welcome..." He said it quietly and it was almost inaudible to hear. I didn't say anything after. I looked to the window and saw we still had about 20 minutes left. I told Draco to turn around so I could sneak back into my bathing suit while nobody was looking.

After I slipped back in the pool, I decided I should finally speak up a bit. " never answered my question.." He looked down at me since he was half a foot taller than me.

"My favorite muggle song is 'I'll Make Love to You' by Boyz II Men. That and also 'You and Me' by Lifehouse and 'I Met A Girl' by William Michael Morgan. What's yours?" I had to force myself not to let my mouth drop.

"Wow that's crazy. Those are almost the same for me. Mine are I'll Make Love to You, You and Me, and Hurt by Lady Antebellum. Why are those you favorites? That's my question."

"IMLTO (yes he said that out loud to her) is because it's just one of those songs that describes my relationships sometimes. You and Me is just one of my favorite love songs." I giggled a bit and he smiled his oh so amazing smile. "I know that sounds weird coming from me but it's the truth. And I Met A Girl is because because..." He looked away from me and blushed slightly. "It expresses how I felt when I first saw you..."

"Really?" I blushed and swam slightly closer to him.

"Mhm. It's true. I really like you M. You're beautiful, funny, smart, you have an amazing smile. You are perfect. You are the missing piece of my life. I really like you...but I doubt you like me too." He looked away and I put my hand on his cheek and turned him to look at me. We put our foreheads together and I smiled. "I really like you too Draco!"

He smiled and closed to space between us with a kiss. I smiled even more against his lips and kissed back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and played with his hair. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me close to his bare chest.

We kissed and kissed until we broke apart to breathe. I looked at him with wide eyes. "Woah..." We spoke together and then laughed together and kissed once more, but not as long this round. He broke the kiss and took out his wand (not the long one the shorter one😏). He waved his wand and said,"Incendio Candilo!" (A/n I made that up. Candilo is for candles cuz I jut felt like that being what they were called. Oh and we all know Incendio is for fire already.) All of the candles surrounding the pool lit up. I took out my wand as well and flicked in towards the stereo. It began playing some romantic slow songs.

* DISCONTINUED :( * Mia Zabini?!?! (Dramione/Blinny)Where stories live. Discover now