Chapter 7

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The next couple of days went by way to fast. Me and Riley spent almost every day together. We would eat breakfast together and depending how his schedule was we wound hang out during the day as well.

In the evening we would play chess or watch movies together. The more time I spend with him the more I start to like him. Turns out he isn't all that tuff like I thought when I first meet him.

The sun is shining for the first time in days which makes me want to go out.

"I need to go buy groceries." I said to Riley who sat in front of me, busy eating his cereals.

"Ok, when do we go?" He asked already starting to get up to put his dishes away.

"You are coming with?" Usually I do the shopping by myself so I was a bit surprised that he wanted to come with.

"Sure, someone needs to cary all the stuff that you buy." He said grinning at me.

"I suppose we can go now while the weather is still good." It would be annoying having to walk to the shops in the rain.

"Ok let's get ready then." He said while checking out my outfit. I am still wearing my pyjamas and some slippers, that's how we have been walking around for the last couple of days.

After making my way to my room I had to make one of my hardest decisions ever and that is: What am I going to wear?

I decided to go with some jeans a nice pullover and some boots. Since it is still a bit cold out when the wind blows I decided to take my mantle with me.

"Ready?" I asked Riley when I got out of my room. He was already dressed and was probably waiting for me already.

He was like me wearing some dark jeans and a dark mantle.

"Ok whose bona go change?" He asked jokingly pointing out our partner look.

"Oh no, you are one of those girls who have a problem with wearing the same clothes as someone else." I said dramatically making my way to the door.

"You got me all figured out." He said walking next to me.

The way to the store isn't long, but because we are talking and playing around it took us almost an hour to get there.

"This is fun." I said to him after we arrived at the store.

"Of course it is fun, you are after all in my presence." He said laughing, I couldn't help to roll my eyes at that.

"Ok on our list is:" I was about to say where we have to go first when he ripped the little paper out of my hands and threw it into some corner.

"We don't need a shopping list, that is so boring." He said already picking up the first thing we don't need.

"There is a reason I make a shopping list, you know." I said to him looking at all the stuff that he put in the trolly already.

"And that would be?" He asked not looking at me. Instead he is jumping from one shelf to the other like a little kid.

"You make lists for, A: you only buy what you need, which saves money and B: we will have to shlep everything that we buy back to the house." when I said that he stopped and looked at me seriously.

"You are right, that is a problem, a problem I know the solution to." While saying that he took out his phone and dialled some phone number.

"Hey it's me, can you come pick me up in a half-hour, you know the address already, seeing that you are still tracking my phone." Without waiting for a response he hung up the phone and looked at me.

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