Chapter One - Silver Without Its Shine.

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I'm currently standing in-front of my locker at my new school for what seems like the one hundredth time today. Fourth period is about to start and I still have no idea where I am going. The map they gave me is useless, it's basically written hieroglyphics and they want me to decode it myself without knowing what any of the symbols mean. You'd think I would have somewhat of a sense of direction by now, but sadly I don't.

Stupid internal compass.  

Shoving the books that I need for next period in my bag I take one last look at my so called helpful map of the school before shutting my locker. Keeping my gaze locked onto the floor I turn around and start to walk in the direction towards where I think my class is, room 209, great I'm on the first floor.

Well at least I can understand that the number at the front means what floor my class is on.

As I am walking down the halls of Clearview high I lift my gaze from the floor to look around at my surroundings trying to memorize them but everything looks the same; white tiles, blue lockers, plain white walls. The only difference that I can see is the few posters scattered along the wall, some about events within the school, help lines and others about self-awareness and extra-curricular activities.

Bringing my eyes back down to the off-white floor I continue onwards down the hall but lift my gaze back up when I hear the sound of something hitting the floor and laughter follow.

A small girl with short blonde wavy hair is on the floor spotting bright red cheeks. She is kneeled down and picking up some books-which I assume are hers-off of the floor and a tall guy who is approximately 6'2 and EXTREMLY good looking with short brown almost black hair walking away from her towards my direction.

I watch as the body full of muscle comes closer and closer and just as he is walking past me I mutter out, "Jerk."

He stops walking and I can notice how he tenses up beside me but I continue walking anyways as I don't want to make an ass out of myself.

"What. Was. That?" He says with venom in his voice, pausing between each word to sound more intimidating, but I keep my head down and continue walking.

When he notices I'm not stopping he scoffs, "Yeah, that's what I thought, Bella."

I freeze and turn around.

Okay so first; he just assumed my name and was way off. Second; who does this douche think he is to talk to me like that? Did his mother ever teach him respect?

"Excuse me?" I ask putting as much sass as I could muster into my voice, "And what was it that you thought?"

He turns around and raises a challenging eyebrow at me, it is then that I notice his eyes. They're grey, the kind of grey that the sky turns on a stormy winters day. Like silver without its shine, dull like titanium.

His aurora screams confidence as he stands there staring at me, his posture is tense and straight like it's being forced, but he stands there like he couldn't give a care in the world.

I think he expected me to leave when he turned around because he still hasn't said anything yet.

You see, usually I would turn and walk away from this type of situation. I don't like confrontation, like at all, and I try to avoid it at all costs. But when someone is being an ass to me right after being an ass to someone else who has done nothing wrong, then I have a problem.

All I'm thinking is that this jerk off needs to be put in his place.

When he continues to stare at me with his calculating owl like eyes I speak again, "Did I stutter?"

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